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Updated: August 10, 2024

I lay my life a Tinker. Crac. And in his parish of account. Cla. A Scavenger. Bel. Is it a badge of your profession To be uncivell? Suc. Uncivell! Noe; what is in other men uncivill In us is resolution; therefore yeild: I am invincible, flesh cannot stand Before me. Bel. It must be drunke then. Cla. I am not ith humour now To laugh, or else Ide not dismisse him yet. Good Mr.

Does your horse go forwards, or rather would you have him go forwards? yeild to him your hand, and for that purpose turn your nails downwards, in such a manner as to bring your thumb near your body, and your little-finger then from it, and bring it to the place where your knuckles were in the first position. Keeping your nails directly above the neck of your horse. This is the second Position.

You have, according to the Order, Conveyd already Bustamente thither To yeild account for yeilding up the Castle? Ten. 'Tis done, my Lord. Fer. Don John, you likewise in his Maiesties name Stand chargd to make your personall appearance To give in evidence against this prisoner. Jo. I shall be ready there, my Lord. Pike. To Sherrys? they say the best sackes there.

But by your leave we will part your embraces: so disarme, disarme. Jo. I thanke you, Countrymen; I hope you'le trust my honour with my armes. Yes, take them signior; but you will yeild the Englishman our prisoner? Jo. A villaines mark, indeed! wound a disarmed souldier! Jo.

Nor would I have my wife exceeding faire, For then she's liquorish meate; & it would mad me To see whoremasters teeth water at her, Red haird by no meanes, though she would yeild money To sell her to some Jew for poyson. No, My wife shall be a globe terrestriall, Moving upon no axeltree but mine; Which globe when I turne round, what land soever I touch, my wife is with me, still Ime at home. Ten.

I'de be glad You could as easily acquitt your selfe Of guilt as stand up in your owne defence; But, Bustamente, when it doth appeare To law & reason, on which law is grounded, Your great offence in daring to betray The Spanish honour unto Infamy, In yeilding up the fort on such slight cause, You can no lesse then yeild yourselfe most guilty. Bust.

If upon your Engagement he forces your Sword, you must yeild the Feeble, opposing with the Fort and the Left-hand. See the 5th Plate. To keep the Enemy from forcing your Sword, you must cross his Blade with your Fort to his Feeble. To attack the low Guard.

No punishment Due to a cryme of that fowle nature? Cap. You must pardon me, I have commission, Sir, for what I offer, And from those men that are your Masters, too; At least you'll find 'em soe. You must shift your lodging, And presently: I have a charge to see ye Yeild yourself quietly. Bar. Goe and tell their Lordships I will attend to-morrow.

And that you may know, How ere his mallice live to me, all hatred Is dead in me to him, I am a Suitour He may be sent for; for, as Barnavelt is A member of this body politique, I honour him, and will not scorne to yeild A strict accompt of all my Actions to him; And, though my Enemie, while he continues A frend to his owne fame and loyall to The State, I love him and shall greive that he, When he falls from it must deserve my pitty.

Your confidence Workes much uppon my lenity; but twould Occasion scandall; every one would judge I did supplant my daughter, should I yeild To your desines. Thu. Let the censorious world Fright those with harelipd Calumnie whose guilt Merritts detraction; your pure innocence No feind dares vitiatt. Lady. You have prevaild. Thu.

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