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Ravenslee, "I'll trouble you for the 'phone, yonder." "Are ye goin' to call in de cops?" "That is my intention. Give me the 'phone." "No!" cried the boy, and springing before the telephone he stood there, trembling but defiant. "Give me that telephone!" "Not much I won't!" "Then of course I must shoot you!" The boy stood with head up-flung and fists tight-clenched; Mr.

Having very soon locked away his barrow, the loquacious Tony led Ravenslee along certain streets and into a certain yard, where presently appeared a stout man with rings in his ears, who smiled and nodded and greeted them with up-flung finger and the word "altro."

Her up-flung elbow, flexed like a steel wedge, caught him in the throat; they fell over the low ridge, writhing in each other's embrace, down the slope, over and over, faster, faster crack! his head struck a ledge, and he straightened out, quivering, then lay very, very still and heavy in her arms.

Once more the old Harrington homestead, so long closed and silent, showed up-flung windows and wide-open doors. Once more Nancy now Mrs. Timothy Durgin swept and scrubbed and dusted until the old place shone in spotless order.

A friend's strange story had prompted his singular journey; a beautiful rainbow with its mystery and promise had decided him. Once in his life he had answered a wild call to the kingdom of adventure within him, and once in his life he had been happy. But here in the horizon-wide face of that up-flung and cloven desert he grew cold; he faltered even while he felt more fatally drawn.

It was impossible to thread my way back over the route I had come; for it twisted in and out, around up-flung crags and cliffs. My compass showed that the wind was driving eastward, the direction in which I wanted to go; so I headed down wind, secure in the thought that I would soon be off the roof of the world.

One held torn and ragged folds of the veil ripped from her throat, the other the weapon with which she had cheated death: a bronze paperweight, probably a miniature copy of a Barye, an elephant trumpeting. The up-flung trunk was darkly stained and sticky.... With a shudder she dropped the bronze, and looked down. Victor lay at her feet, supine, grotesquely asprawl.

For Carley, quick to read emotion, caught a glimpse of a strong, steadfast soul that spiritualized the brown freckled face. Carley wheeled to gaze out and down into this incomprehensible abyss, and on to the far up-flung heights, white and red and yellow, and so on to the wonderful mystic haze of distance. The significance of Flo's designation of miles could not be grasped by Carley.

Then when the crash that meant doom seemed imminent the swell spread and fell back from the wall and the boat never struck at all. By some miraculous chance it had been favored by a strange and momentary receding of the huge spent swell. Then it slid back, was caught and whirled by the current into a red, frothy, up-flung rapids below. Shefford bowed his head over.

For as the sluice gates opened a sullen roar sounded; on one side the diverted millstream, and on the other the river, rose as two solid walls of water, rushed forward and met; and in the twinkling of an eye the old water-course was one wild, leaping, roaring, gyrating whirlpool of up-flung froth and twisting waves that bore in their eddying clutch the battling figure of a drowning child.