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At two-thirty o'clock, a very strong breeze with a rapid current setting eastward, caused a high sea and Boyton had great difficulty in keeping near the boat, his distance from her increasing every moment until he disappeared from view altogether.

Robert, "that he has a way of stating his opinions quite convincingly." "Yep," says I, "I should judge that. But if I think he's bilkin' you on this, is it my play to sit behind and chew my tongue?" "By Jove!" says Mr. Robert, his sportin' instincts comin' to the top. "You shall have your chance, Torchy. The directors shall hear your views; to-morrow, at two-thirty. You will follow Briscoe."

Silver later in the day?" "I did." "What happened?" "He rode at me and struck me." "What for?" "He said he'd show a convict how to speak to a gentleman; and he'd get me put away." "Was anybody present?" The accused laughed. "No fear! He waited till he got me alone." "What time was this?" "About two-thirty." "Where?" "Just outside Prior's Wood." Mr.

A blinding storm of wind and snow prevented the Roosevelt from starting until about two-thirty P. M., when, with all the dogs a-howling, the whistle tooting, and the crew and members cheering, we steamed out of the Harbor into Smith Sound, and a thick fog which compelled half-speed past Littleton Island and into heavy pack-ice.

It was Drew's Albatross, but he nearly lost official credit for having destroyed it, because he did not know exactly the hour when the combat occurred. His watch was broken and he had neglected asking for another before starting. He judged the time of the attack, approximately, as two-thirty, and the infantry observers, reporting the result, gave it as twenty minutes to three.

Nancy sobered up and rushed back into town, crying and frightened to death claimed it'd all been a mistake. First Doctor Lamar went wild and was going to kill Merritt, but finally they got it patched up some way, and Nancy and Merritt went to Savannah on the two-thirty train." Jim closed his eyes and with an effort overcame a sudden sickness. "It's too bad," said Clark philosophically.

Entering the station gates, the now familiar initials appearing on a row of offices before them to the left, Peter's companion demanded the train to Albert. "Two-thirty a.m., change at Amiens, sir," said a clerk in uniform within, and the Fusilier passed on. "What time is the Rouen train?" asked Peter in his turn, and was told 9.30 p.m. "You're in luck, padre," said the other.

Tell him his wire to Halstead & Byner in London has been communicated to you here. Ask him for further particulars and then drop in on me at my hotel and tell me what you've learnt. I'll be found in the smoking-room there any time after two-thirty onward." Eldrick's intense curiosity in what was rapidly becoming a fascinating mystery to him, led him to accept this embassy.

"Miss North is very glad to have you accept your brother's invitation for Friday afternoon, and I shall go with pleasure." Sue's feet took wings as she caught up with Blue Bonnet and Annabel. "We can go," she announced breathlessly. "Friday! Harvard! I just knew we could. Isn't it great? At two-thirty, remember! And girls! Don't forget borrow everything you can, and look stunning!"

I'm going to New York tonight, but I think I'll be back in time to accept the vessel when she's ready for commission." He looked at his watch. It was just twelve-thirty o'clock. "The Overland leaves at two-thirty," he murmured. "I'll have just time to pack a suit case." And he picked up his hat and fled with the celerity and singleness of purpose of a tin-canned dog.