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Punctually at two-thirty Owen returned, and Toni ran down the steps with a smiling face from which all traces of tears had long since vanished. The car was waiting in the dingy street, and Toni's foot was actually on the step when she turned and looked at Owen with a kind of desperate appeal in her eyes. "Mr. Rose, do you drive the car yourself?" "Yes.

Why had he never for an instant dreamed that the term "two-thirty" could indicate anything but the hour of some otherwise undesignated appointment? Of course it had signified the number of Marian's carriage-check, "230": two hundred and thirty, rolling off the modern tongue, stripped to essentials thanks to the telephone's abbreviated influence as, simply, "two-thirty"!

"I've shilly-shallied long enough. If she'll have me, and it would serve me jolly well right if she turned me down it shall be a special licence at a registry office on Saturday morning. My train doesn't leave till two-thirty." He stood up very tall and straight. Mabel thought she had never seen him look so glad to be alive. "And now," he added, "I am going straight across to ask her.

The brakeman, returning, paused and inquired right and left on his way through. He leaned to me. "You for North Platte?" "No, sir. Benton, Wyoming Territory." "Then you'd better move up to the car ahead. This car stops at North Platte." "What time do we reach North Platte?" "Two-thirty in the morning. If you don't want to be waked up, you'd better change now. You'll find a seat."

Men in khaki can buy all the liquor they want, the public houses being open from noon to two-thirty and from six P.M. to nine-thirty. Treating is not allowed. Altogether it works out very well and there is little drunkenness among the soldiers. I eventually brought up in a Convalescent Hospital in Brentford, Middlesex, and was there for three weeks.

August thirteenth. This morning, between two-thirty and three o'clock, three murders were committed on the yacht Ella. At the request of Mrs. Johns, one of the party on board, I had moved to the after house to sleep, putting my blanket and pillow in the storeroom and sleeping on the floor there. Mrs. Johns gave, as her reason, a fear of something going wrong, as there was trouble between Mr.

Johns' left at two-thirty, arriving there two hours later; and it was with numb feet and stinging ears that he entered the car reserved for smokers, and, bundling in a somewhat threadbare over coat, endeavored to make himself comfortable for the journey.

At six o'clock Smith pounded on the back door and called in to Casey that he would have to have some gas before he started. So Casey pulled on his pants and gave Smith some gas, and paid the garage out of his own pocket. He didn't swear, either. He was past that. That afternoon Casey watched apprehensively the road that led west. It was two-thirty when he saw them coming.

MacNelly clapped his fist in his hand. "This'll make the adjutant sick with joy. Maybe we won't have it on the Governor! We'll show them about the ranger service. Duane! how'd you ever do it?" "Now, Captain, not the half nor the quarter of this job's done. The gang's coming down the road. I saw them from the train. They'll ride into town on the dot two-thirty." "How many?" asked MacNelly.

"Three, if we get the right ones. Yes, I know the men we want. I can get them all right," he added, in response to the unspoken question. "It will need a little oil, though, for the wheels." "I suppose so," said Porter, dryly. "I think you'd better get at it right away. It's two o'clock now. The two-thirty express will get you to Manchester so that you can reach Tillman about seven-thirty.