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Updated: August 15, 2024

"The reis was a sleepy old crock," Belmont continued, "but I have absolute confidence in the promptness and decision of my wife. She would insist upon an immediate alarm being given. Suppose they started back at two-thirty, they should be at Halfa by three, since the journey is down stream. How long did they say that it took to turn out the Camel Corps?" "Give them an hour."

"They're everywhere. Murray told me there was a hundred students tackin' 'em up on the stands and bleachers. They've got 'em on sticks of wood for pennants for the girls.... 'Peg Ward's Day! Well, I guess!" At two-thirty o'clock the varsity ran upon the field, to the welcoming though somewhat discordant music of the university band.

A little startled at finding five people in the room, Mounet-Sully regained his assurance as he recognized Jean and Maurice. "My dear child, we rehearse at two-thirty," he said to Esperance, "so be prompt, because we have heard that the Queen will be there, though you may not see her. She is not well enough to come out in the evening." The young girl blushed with excitement.

The Funeral March of Chopin tramped with its excruciating dragging tread across the ruins of the soul. And finally the cathedral was startled by the sudden trumpets of the Last Post, and the ceremony ended. "Come and have lunch with me," said the young red-hatted officer next to G.J. "I haven't got to be back till two-thirty, and I want to talk music for a change.

Spartans who rise regularly at the chaste hour of seven will now regard Harrietta with disapproval. These should be told that Harrietta never got to bed before twelve-thirty nor to sleep before two-thirty, which, on an eight-hour sleep count, should even things up somewhat in their minds.

The sheriff smiled. "Public opinion is setting on the fence and hanging on with both hands. All right, Joe. I'll play her alone. I got a wire from Hank that he's got the herder, Fernando. Due here on the two-thirty. You hang around and tell Hank to keep on take the Mexican along up to Usher." "Goin' to go after the Concho boys and Loring's herders?" "Sure thing. And I'm going alone.

They met on the road one day last spring and trotted alongside one another for a mile. At the end of that mile Jonadab's craft's jib boom was just astern of Tobias's rudder. Inside of that week the Cap'n had swapped his horse for one with a two-thirty record, and the next time they met Tobias was left with a beautiful, but dusty, view of Jonadab's back hair. So HE bought a new horse.

That would be about eleven o'clock. I told her she couldn't get a train until morning. I saw her going upstairs just before I went off duty soon after eleven. It seems, according to the night-porter " "I know he told me," said Allerdyke, interrupting him. "He got her a car, she wanted to be driven to some station on the Great Northern main line I met her on the road at two-thirty.

Of course the explosive worked all right in experimental charges with samples of the tunnel rock. It remains to be seen what it will do under actual conditions, and in big service charges." "Oh, I've no doubt it will work all right." "What time do we leave here?" Tom asked. "At two-thirty this afternoon.

Nothing happened; at least, nothing indicative. Mr. Greenough's expression was as flat and neutral as the desk over which he presided as he called Banneker's name and said to him: "Mr. Horace Vanney wishes to relieve his soul of some priceless information. Will you call at his office at two-thirty?" It was Mr.

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