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I have to sleep, of course, we are getting ready for our midyear exams, but just wait until two-thirty tomorrow afternoon after logic. Then expect me over here with perhaps a shotgun if I can find such a weapon on the premises!" "But what would you shoot in daylight?" asked Judith, half jokingly,

Anne had been fond of Louise she reminded her of Lucy. She did not know what the trouble was, but Louise had been in a state of terrible excitement. Mrs. Watson tried to hide from Arnold, but he was ugly. He left the lodge and went up to the house about two-thirty, was admitted at the east entrance and came out again very soon. Something had occurred, she didn't know what; but very soon Mr.

I seen he was sore when the dame turned him down, too, and started right off wondering if maybe it wasn't a jealousy plant. I seen this sorta thing happen before. Not that I blame him for feeling cut up: that was one swell piece of goods you bundled into numba two-thirty." P. Sybarite's cigar dropped unheeded from his lips. "What!" he cried. The detective started.

Yet, for every sing-song taunt the visitors found that the home fans had an apt retort. This was where Dick Prescott's ready wit came in, for it was his task to call for all the cheers, yells, songs or taunts. Two-thirty came. Dick called for the High School song. The band accompanied, while the entire student body sang.

The crowd which had poured out of the Chapel was soon dispersed, as everybody had something to call him elsewhere. Our group sauntered slowly toward the Superintendent's home where Captain Stewart left them and went in to make his request for the afternoon's frolic. It was promptly granted and orders were given to have a launch placed at his disposal at two-thirty P.M.

I suppose that I am at least as keen on the Lunch Scores as any other man can be on the Two-thirty Winner; yet I have no desire whatever to read a succession of stories entitled How's That, Umpire? or Run Out, or Lost by a Wicket. I can waste my time and money with as much pleasure on the golf-course as Mr.

The concert began at two-thirty, and Thea was in her seat in the Auditorium at ten minutes after two a fine seat in the first row of the balcony, on the side, where she could see the house as well as the orchestra. She had been to so few concerts that the great house, the crowd of people, and the lights, all had a stimulating effect.

Belknap signified that he had succeeded in his task of securing on satisfactory terms a purchaser for the Salamander, and if the necessary executives of that company would be in Mr. Murch's office at two-thirty that afternoon, he would bring the contracts for signature. Over the telephone Mr. Murch said: "All right. Bring them." To his secretary he said: "Ask Mr.

"I wish to heavens you'd never suggested bringing him here, Minnie!" And leaving me speechless with indignation, he trailed himself and his sheet up the stairs. I couldn't stand any more. It was all over! I rushed to my room and threw myself on the bed. At two-thirty I heard the bus come to the porte-cochere under my window and then drive away; that was the last straw.

It's been puzzling me ever since an appointment of some sort he made with November just as I hove within earshot. 'Two-thirty, he said; and November repeated the hour and promised to be on the job. 'Two-thirty! what can it mean? It's later than that now but mark my words! something's going to happen this afternoon, or to-morrow, or some time soon, at half-past two o'clock!"