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Hardy had said, Crippy was very fat, and when he toddled on at full speed he could only get along about half as fast as his master, so that Dan's journey was made up with alternately trudging over the frozen road, and waiting for his pet to overtake him.

However, all this fresh trouble was unknown. Whither her "Angel" led, she was to follow; and this proved to be in wholly a different direction from that dark end of the Lane toward the bridge. For a time the small, unconscious guide toddled along, making slow progress toward the sound of a hand-organ which her ear had caught yet which was still out of sight.

Jack had wakened and toddled into the room on his sleepy little legs. The child staggered over to his mother and laid his head against her arm, murmuring sleepily: "Love oo too!" Elizabeth Hunter sprang to her feet as if a clap of thunder had unexpectedly sent its report through the hot afternoon air. Her guilty eyes sought Hugh's.

David Campbell! was passed along the decks, and in a minute a fine active young fellow came tumbling up from below. "A mother's eye was not to be deceived. She knew him in an instant, and toddled off as fast as her legs would carry her, followed by her husband, to meet him. `He is, he is my ain bairn!

This was his song. Love, the baby, Toddled out to pluck a flower; One said, "No, sir;" one said, "Maybe, At the evening hour!" Love, the boy, Joined the boys and girls at play; But he left them half his joy Ere the close of day. Love, the youth, Roamed the country, lightning-laden; But he hurt himself, and, sooth, Many a man and maiden!

Gamble likes some of that wine Carrie's husband made the year he died." "Ja voll," assented Mamma Schnitt heartily, and toddled away to get it. "I'll fix it for you," offered Johnny. "You go to Ersten and say you will come back; then Ersten will get a new place before you start to work." Heinrich straightened up with alacrity this time, his face fairly shining with pleasure.

"Big Jack's" part in the recent disturbance had apparently not been suspected; he and his wife, with Rovetta, Wresmak, and Klowoski, would remain as a nucleus through which the union could work upon the men. The supper-hour was at hand, and the pseudo-Mrs. Zamboni emerged and toddled down the street. As she passed into the dining-room of the boarding-house, men looked at her, but no one spoke.

"The cravat! The gent's neckwear! Why? For what reason?" "Oh, the tie?" He blushed. "I er I was given it." He seemed embarrassed, so I dropped the subject. We toddled along a bit, and sat down on a couple of chairs by the Serpentine. "Jeeves tells me you want to talk to me about something," I said. "Eh?" said Bingo, with a start. "Oh yes, yes. Yes."

"God forgive me!" and she put by her spectacles, and rose, and came to Tom. "Water's bad for thee; I'll give thee milk." And she toddled off into the next room, and brought a cup of milk and a bit of bread. Tom drank the milk off at one draught, and then looked up, revived. "Where didst come from?" said the dame. "Over Fell, there," said Tom, and pointed up into the sky.

"I'm afraid we couldn't leave Lady Tintern or persuade her to come with us," said the colonel, shaking his head. Then he brightened up. "But as soon as she and Sally have toddled back to town I see no reason why we shouldn't come, eh, Emily?" he said, turning to his wife. Peter looked rather blank, and a laugh trembled on Sarah's pretty lips.