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Maurice Margarot, and others were transported for fourteen years for having been members of the British Convention. Mr. Thos. Walker, of Manchester, was tried on a false accusation of high treason, at Lancaster; but was honourably acquitted.

T. B. Fitzpatrick will wait upon you and arrange the details. I name Major Thos. C. Yancey of Virginia as my second in the field. I have the honor to remain Your obedient servant, GEORGE FAIRFAX CARTER, Late Colonel C. S. A. "Suffering Moses!" cried out Fitz. "You are not going to send that?" "It is sent, my dear Fitz. Mailed from my office this afternoon. This is a copy."

Enthusiastic excitement and necessary preparations were everywhere visible. Flags and streamers greeted the eye in every direction. Many private residences were handsomely decorated. One of the most exalted ideas was a Centennial pole, 115 feet high, erected by Capt. Thos.

Where we walked up and down, and at last found Sir G. Carteret, whom I had not seen a great while, and did discourse with him about our assisting the Commissioners in paying off the Fleet, which we think to decline. Here the Treasurer did tell me that he did suspect Thos.

These vessels proved to be American privateers, the Tom, Captain Thos. Wilson, and the Bona, Captain Damaron. The former was armed with fourteen carronades, some 18- and some 12-pounders, as well as two long 9-pounders, and carried 130 men.

J. M. HAWKS, Civil Life, Oct 20, 1862; Surgeon 3d S. C. Vols., Oct. 29, 1863. THOS. T. MINOR, 7th Ct., Jan. 8, 1863; Resigned, Nov. 21, 1864. E. S. STUARD, Civil Life, Sept. 4, 1865; Mustered out, &c. Chaplain JAS. H. FOWLER, Civil Life, Oct. 24, 1862; Mustered out, &c. Captains CHAS. T. TROWBRIDGE, N. Y. Vol. Eng., Oct. 13, 1862; Major, Aug. 11, 1863.

Though lost to sight, Mr Dedalus said, to memory dear. The carriage steered left for Finglas road. The stonecutter's yard on the right. Last lap. Crowded on the spit of land silent shapes appeared, white, sorrowful, holding out calm hands, knelt in grief, pointing. Fragments of shapes, hewn. In white silence: appealing. The best obtainable. Thos. H. Dennany, monumental builder and sculptor.

But how he takes it I know not, but I endeavoured to tell it him in the most respectful way that I could. This done with my wife by coach to my aunt Wight's, where I left her, and I to the office, and that being done to her again, and sat playing at cards after supper till 12 at night, and so by moonshine home and to bed. 24th. This morning came my cozen Thos.

On one occasion some emigrants had their stock lost or stolen, and told Slade, who chanced to visit their camp. With a single companion he rode to a ranch, the owners of which he suspected, and opening the door, commenced firing, killing three, and wounding the fourth. Thos. He would ride down to a station, get into a quarrel, turn the house out of windows, and maltreat the occupants most cruelly.

The pleasure of the company of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brassey is requested at a Subscription Ball, at the Hawaiian Hotel, Respectfully, H.A. Widemann, Mrs. Jas. Makee and Mrs. J.S. McGrew will kindly act as matrons of the evening. Tuesday, January 2nd.