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"Wouldn't trust now," said Grannie. "She's having two new dresses done, Pete. Aw, girls are ter'ble. Well, can you blame them either?" "She shall have two-and-twenty if she likes, God bless her," said Pete. "Goodness me!" said Nancy, "is the man for buying frocks for a Mormon?" "But you'll be empty, boy. Put the crow down and the griddle on, Nancy," said Grannie. "We'll have cakes. Cakes?

"How was he?" "Battered nigh to death, I said," cried Sunny, with startling violence. "His eyes are blackened, an' his pore mean face is cut about, an' bruised ter'ble. His clothes is torn nigh to rags, an' " "Was it the James outfit did it?" inquired Minky incredulously. "They did that surely," cried Sunny vehemently. "You ain't seen Bill, have you? He's that mad you can't git a word out o' him.

"It don't never do takin' chances with kids o' that age. Chances is bum things, anyway. Y'see, kids ken ketch such a heap o' things. Ther's bile, an' measles, an' dropsy, an' cancer, an' hydryfoby, an' all kinds o' things. They's li'ble to ketch 'em as easy as gettin' flies wi' molasses. An' some o' them is ter'ble bad. Ever had hydryfoby? No?

He thought he must hasten to produce his tale to protect him from the missiles already at the lips of his redoubtable comrades. So, staggering before the loud soldier, he began: "Yes, yes. I've I've had an awful time. I've been all over. Way over on th' right. Ter'ble fightin' over there. I had an awful time. I got separated from th' reg'ment. Over on th' right, I got shot. In th' head.

But, you see, I couldn't ask him to marry me. Mussy on us, he was slow!" "Did you have to help him out, Ma?" "Help him? Did you ever know a gal who didn't help her 'beau' out? Boy, when a gal gets fixed on a man he's got a job if he's goin' to get clear. Unless he's like my Rube ter'ble slow." "That's how you're sizin' me now," said Seth, with a short laugh. Ma Sampson worked on assiduously.

'Don't ye like it? says he, edging round; 'I'll change it for ye, then. Ter'ble perlite he was. 'Like it? says I, 'it looks as if it were built of dog's hair and divil's wool, kicked together by spiders; and it's coarser than Irish frieze; three threads to an armful, says I." This was evidently one of the captain's favorite stories, for we heard an approving grumble from the audience.

"Jem was telling me before he went to Tibblestone that a ter'ble gre'at detective come down from Lunnon this mornin', and was stirrin' up things proper. Jem says he's a detective what travels about with the King, and 'e's got letters to his name because of that. Is he on the tracks of the murderer yet, Tom?" "No, and he's not likely to, as far as I can see," said her brother a little bitterly.

"'But's' a ter'ble word," he said. "It most always goes ahead of something unpleasant." He quietly laid the fork aside, and, gathering an armful of hay, proceeded to fill Kitty's manger. "Now what you wer' going to say was something like that old I mean your housekeeper said, only you wouldn't say it so mean.

Say wolves is ter'ble 'specially timber wolves. "Now, when that squaw gits home " Seth paused and doled out more taffy. The children were wonderfully intent on the story, but the sweets helped their attention. For there was much of what he said that was hard on their understandings. The drama of the story was plain enough, but the moral appealed to them less.

"I've work to do to-night, and want the house to myself." "Goodness me, is it yourself that's talking of bed, then?" said Nancy. "Seven in the everin', too, and the child not an hour out of my hands? And dear knows what work it is if you can't be doing it with good people about you." "Come, get off, woman; you're looking tired mortal. The lil one's ragging you ter'ble.