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He shifted his saddle to Dolly, a pet little gray mare; not because Shiner was tired, but because there was a hard ride in store for him on the morrow. They rode into Talapus in time for supper. Afterward Casey and McCrae discussed the coming of Farwell, and its significance. "I pumped Corney Quilty a little," said Casey.

They laughed and joked amid the bobbing stable lanterns as they harnessed and saddled; and they rode away from Talapus Ranch one and all in better spirits than they had come. No one has ever satisfactorily explained the rapidity with which news travels in sparsely settled communities. But the fact remains undisputed.

Nice name that odd! Sheila!" He repeated the name aloud. "Hello, did you speak to me?" said the voice of his assistant, Keeler, in the darkness. "No!" snapped Farwell, with unnecessary curtness; "I didn't." At the end of a week Farwell told Keeler that he was going to ride over to Talapus. He added unnecessarily that he wanted to see how his horse was getting on.

On the way there were no houses, no fences, no cleared fields. The land lay in the dawn as empty as when the keels of restless white men first split the Western ocean; and more lifeless, for the great buffalo herds that of old gave the men of the plains and foothills food and raiment were gone forever. The sun was up when they reached Talapus. Mrs.

And, as he dreamed, a part of boyhood's joy in mere life awoke in him again. Chakchak Ranch came into view. Its cultivated area smaller than that of Talapus, it was nevertheless as scrupulously cared for. The one might have served as model for the other.

"Why, you old silly, don't you see that she couldn't have given it to him any other way with all those people in the room? Clyde Burnaby can think about as fast as anybody I know." Casey Dunne pulled a fretful buckskin to a halt as he topped a rise and looked down on Talapus Ranch.

"Without water," said McCrae slowly, "the land itself is worth about one dollar an acre. Twenty-five thousand would be an outside price for a crazy man to pay for Talapus." "Exactly," said Farwell. "McCrae, you'd better let me try to find you a purchaser. For, if you hang on, just as sure as God made little red apples you'll be praying to Him to send you a crazy man."

Dunne pulled up and nodded. "Fine day, Mr. Farwell." "Yes," said Farwell briefly. "Work coming on all right?" "Yes." "That's good," Dunne commented, with every appearance of lively satisfaction. "Been to Talapus? See anything of Miss McCrae there?" "She's at home, I believe," said Farwell stiffly. "Thanks. Come around and see me some time. Morning." He lifted the buckskin into a lope again.

'Tak' a wee bit drappie " "Whatever has got into you?" his wife demanded. "I feel like a pup off a chain," Wade admitted. After dinner Clyde went to her room to prepare for the drive to Talapus.

What on earth are you doing here?" "Same thing as yourself. This old Siwash missed you somehow. He found McHale and young McCrae, and, on the way out, he ran into Dade, Lewis, and the rest six in all. When he got to the ranch you were gone, and nobody could tell him where. He came over to Talapus to tell them he'd seen Sandy. That's where I ran into him.