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Also the further fact that its accuracy is in inverse ratio to its rapidity, which does not need so much explanation. The men who had been at Talapus said nothing of the meeting, nothing of the purpose of it. And yet the gathering was speedily known from one end of the country to the other in conjunction with startling rumours, none of them authentic or traceable, but all disquieting.

And then I can go on to Talapus by myself." "Trying to shake me?" "No. But why should you trail along with me? I've ridden all over the country alone. I do it every day." "Hush, Sheila! Let me tell you a secret. I ride with you because I like to." "Oh, blarney! That's what it is to have a mick ancestry.

Maybe she was going to marry Dunne. It looked like it. Anyway, it was none of his business. But the end of it was that he went to Talapus again. This time he found Sheila alone. The elder McCraes were gone to Coldstream in the buckboard. Young Alec was somewhere on the ditch. Sheila, flanked by clothesbasket and workbasket, sat on the veranda mending his shirts.

"Well, I give Casey credit for being a good man. He has a big stake here owns a lot of land besides his ranch. It's make or break with him." "Then I'm sorry for him. He had a girl with him McCrae her name is. Who's she?" "Her father owns Talapus Ranch. It's the biggest and best here. Good people, the McCraes." "And I suppose Dunne's going to marry her? Is that it?" "I never heard so.

I don't want Talapus sold. What right have you to hold us up? That's what it amounts to." "There's a woman for you!" cried Farwell to the world at large. "Hold you up? Great Scott, that's just what I'm not doing! I offered him the value he put on the ranch himself, not a holdup price. I mean I offered to get it for him. I want you to put it up to him, and get your mother to help you.

We'll sleep in, in the morning." "But I have to go back," Sheila objected. "Nobody knows I've gone. I have to be back by morning. And then there's Beaver Boy! My heavens! I left him standing outside. Oh, I've got to " Casey gently pressed her back as she would have risen. "I'll stable the horse, old girl; and I'll be at Talapus by daylight to tell them where you are.

It's very good of you, but, under the circumstances you understand what I mean." "You needn't feel that way," McCrae returned. "When this country was just country, and no more, a white man was always welcome to my fire, my blankets, and my grub, when I had it. It's no different now, at Talapus. You're welcome to what we have while we have it. There's no quarrel between us that I know of."

And so a few days afterward Farwell, armed with a check representing one hundred and fifty thousand dollars of lawful money, procured because he considered it likely to have a good moral effect, sought Talapus Ranch and Donald McCrae. And McCrae, as he feared, turned the offer down. Farwell had calculated on producing the check at the proper psychological moment, in practically stampeding him.

Afterward she found herself alone with him on the veranda. Her father and brother had gone to the stables, and her mother was indoors planning the next day's housework. "You smoke, Mr. Farwell?" she said. "I'll get you some cigars." "I have some in my pocket, thanks." "No. Talapus cigars at Talapus. That's the rule." "If you insist on it."

"Hallo, Corney! Any freight for Talapus or Chakchak?" The last was the name of his own ranch, and in the Chinook jargon signified an eagle. "Freight for both iv yez," Quilty replied. "But sure ye won't be takin' it on the cayuses. Howdy, Miss Sheila! Will ye 'light and try the comp'ny's ice wather wid a shot iv a limon, or shall I bring ye a pitcher?" "I'll 'light, Mr.