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They have all come to me again this week with renewed freshness and impressiveness. I am living deep again! It was not, indeed, until last Wednesday that I began to get my fill, temporarily, of the outward satisfaction of the Road the primeval takings of the senses the mere joys of seeing, hearing, smelling, touching.

"I've discussed the nightly takings of a theatre with Ettrick," he whispered, when Manders arrived at half-past eleven as vigorous and high-spirited as if he had just got out of bed; "the Dardanelles expedition with Gaisford, the plays of Synge with George Oakleigh, 'The Bomb-Shell' with Vincent Grayle, memories of Jessie Farborough with Deganway, 'The Bomb-Shell' with Grierson, Ibsen with Harry Greenbank, and 'The Bomb-Shell' with Donald Butler.

They ask nothing at any man's hands they take and they keep!" "Like the millionaires!" suggested Bill Bush, with a grin. "Right you are, Bill! like the millionaires! None take more than they do, and none keep their takings closer!" "And very miserable they must surely be sometimes, on both their takings and their keepings," said Helmsley. "No doubt of it!

For a long time Ishmael paid the price of that night raid upon his physical resources, and when he was beginning to take up work again, as usual, Nicky was off to Canada off with the latest thing in outfits, letters of introduction, high hopes, and such excitement at thought of the new world at his feet that only at the last moment did the sorrow that because of the uncertainty of life all leave takings hold, strike him.

Most of the great chiefs of the country do not steal in person, but they keep bands of paid ruffians who do that work for them, in return for their protection, and a share of the takings. The skill with which some Kĕlantan Malays pick a pocket, and the ingenuity displayed in their burglaries, would not discredit a pupil of Fagin the Jew; and robbery with violence is almost equally common.

"Then, of course," said Mr Medlock, "there'll be your little takings to add to that. Your working expenses can't have been much." Mr Shanklin laughed again. "No. I've done without circulars and a salaried secretary. By the way, do you fancy any one smells anything wrong up in the North yet?" "Bless you, no.

Kittredge was fortunate in having a sense of humor, it helped him through the horrors of his first night at the depot, which he passed with the scum of Paris streets, thieves, beggars, vagrants, the miserable crop of Saturday-night police takings, all herded into one foul room on filthy bunks so close together that a turn either way brought a man into direct contact with his neighbor.

Scintharus's son, Cinyras, a fine figure of a man, had fallen in love with Helen some time before, and it was obvious that she was very much taken with the young fellow; there used to be nods and becks and takings of wine between them at table, and they would go off by themselves for strolls in the wood. At last love and despair inspired Cinyras with the idea of an elopement.

Feeling sure that my opera had made no impression, and had left the public completely undecided about its merits, I reckoned that, in view of this being the farewell performance of our opera company, we should have good, not to say large, takings. Consequently I did not hesitate to charge 'full' prices for admittance.

The guineas I made, except from verse, were like the ounce of gold to the ton of ore. I no longer papered the walls with rejection forms; but this was from choice, not from necessity. I had plenty of material, had I cared to use it. I made a little money, of course. My takings for the first month amounted to L9 10s. I notched double figures in the next with Lll 1s. 6d. Then I dropped to L7 0s. 6d.