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It was ten minutes before she came around and said feebly: "I'm dyin', Hillard, it's kilt me to think I'll not have to wuck any mo'." "Oh, no, Tabitha, I wouldn't die fur that," he said soothingly. "It's terrible suddent like, I kno', an' hard fur you to stan', but try to bear it, honey, fur our sakes.

When the poor soul was took off, suddent, his fam'ly had to help theirselves in the world, and this one, bein' the youngest, and enjying terrible poor health, ain't fit for nothin' but teachin' b'ys. That's how he keeps the old lady and hisself in bread I've heard say.

"I got thinking and thinking, until it seemed to me as I could see the `old man' as plain as I can see you now, coming down between the trees, with his hand held out, and his face all smiling and joyful like, and I steps forward to give him a hearty shake of the fin, when all of a suddent he changes into that infarnal old sarpent, and at me he comes, with his eyes glaring, and his jaws wide open.

"But," urged Swankie, "he's a smuggler, and a cross-grained hound besides. It's no' like robbin' an honest man." "An' what are we but smugglers'!" retorted Spink; "an' as to bein' cross-grained, you've naethin' to boast o' in that way. Na, na, Swankie, ye may do't yersel, I'll hae nae hand in't. "Ay, man, but ye've turned awfu' honest all of a suddent," said the other with a sneer.

It came to me suddent, one day only a week ago Friday night, thar under that buckeye; I was thinkin' o' one of his sayins, and sez I thar's Lacy, if he was here he'd set the hull thing right. It was the ghost of a chance my findin' him free, but I did. And there HE is, and yer WE are settled! Ye noticed how he just knocked the bottom outer our plans to work.

How "all of a suddent" the parson came in, "give him a clip side o' the head," and knocked him off the bench, and left him there! "But what did he SAY?" queried the crowd. "Nuthin'. Afore I could get up, he got away." "Are you sure it was him?" they asked. "You know you SAY you was asleep." "Am I sure?" repeated Jack scornfully. "Don't I know thet face and beard? Didn't I feel it hangin' over me?"

"Hagar!" exclaimed a voice at the farther end of the kitchen, a voice so full of compressed fear and anxiety that the old negress tumbled back in her chair with affright, "Hagar! are you here?" demanded the voice. "Bress ye! yes, I's here, Mas'r Dick!" she answered, catching sight of his white face by the dining-room door. "I's here, but ye spoke so suddent!

If she should come on you suddent, she's liker than not to run for a mile or more up that path where we've just been and then to jump down one of them chasms you've just seed. But if she does pop on ye, don't you try to grab her, whatever you do; leave me alone for that. You ain't got strength enough to grab a hare; you ought to be in bed. Besides, she won't be skeared at me.

Good-bye, dear, dear, lad, an' God bless thee. An' she slipped out o' my arms an' wur gone in a moment awmost before I could cry out. "Theer isna much more to tell, Mester th' eend's comin' now, an' happen it'll shorten off th' story, so 'at it seems suddent to thee. But it were-na suddent to me.

He was goin' to explain how, if she hadn't never lost her berry, 'twouldn't never 'a' growed into this pretty plant, but, he see, all of a suddent, that he needn't take the trouble. She showed in her face she knowed all about it, every blessed thing. I tell ye, even angels ain't much use explainin' when there's mothers, and it's got to do with their own child'en.