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Updated: August 15, 2024

Barcelona has risen in his favor." All that evening nothing was spoken of but the foresight of Danglars, who had sold his shares, and of the luck of the stock-jobber, who only lost five hundred thousand francs by such a blow. Those who had kept their shares, or bought those of Danglars, looked upon themselves as ruined, and passed a very bad night.

And now farewell till we meet again." It seemed singular and almost unnatural to Linden that a man like Talbot, of birth, fortune, and great fastidiousness of taste and temper, should have formed any sort of acquaintance, however slight and distant, with the facetious stock-jobber and his wife; but the fact is easily explained by a reference to the vanity which we shall see hereafter made the ruling passion of Talbot's nature.

"For God's sake," cried Clarence, "make no delay; the poor old man may be murdered by this time." "It's no business of mine," said the stock-jobber. "If Adolphus had not broken the rattle I would not have minded the trouble of springing it; but you are very much mistaken if you think I am going to leave my warm bed in order to have my throat cut."

A man of the name of Martin, by profession a stock-jobber, killed, in 1803, his own wife; and for twelve thousand livres he was acquitted, and recovered his liberty. In November last year, in a quarrel with his own brother, he stabbed him through the heart, and for another sum of twelve thousand livres he was acquitted, and released before last Christmas.

I think we may surmise, by the tone of your voice, that your income is not very abundant. 'I have no profession, said Undy. 'On your oath, you are in no profession? 'Not at present. 'On your oath, you are not a stock-jobber? Undy hesitated for a moment. 'By the virtue of your oath, sir, are you a stock-jobber, or are you not? 'No, I am not. At least, I believe not.

Let me manage. Who knows what compensations the future may have in store for you? Besides, this person whom father has selected for me does not suit me. A stock-jobber, who would think of nothing but money, who would examine my house-accounts as papa does yours, or else who would load me with cashmeres and diamonds, like Mme. de Thaller, to make of me a sign for his shop? No, no!

Great as were the sums which were lost at commerce, hazard, or faro, they were less than the training-stable, the betting-ring, and the stock-jobber now consume; and the same influences which have destroyed the Whig oligarchy and the King's friends have changed and enlarged the manner and the habit of gambling in England. Of Selwyn the humourist it would be easy to collect pages of witticisms.

This answer seemed to reassure the valorous stock-jobber. He slowly undid the bolt, and turned the key. "In Heaven's name, what do you want, Mr. Linden?" said he. "Ay," cried a sharp voice from the more internal recesses of the chamber, "what do you want, sir, disturbing us in the bosom of our family and at the dead of night?"

A man aspires to find some better use for his abilities than dollar-baiting, don't you think?" Miss Avery privately thought not, though she certainly did not like his choice of terms. "If a man became the greatest stock-jobber in the world, who would remember him after he was gone? Miss Avery, I earnestly want to serve.

"Well," said Franz to his friend, "what think you of all this?" "Why, upon my soul, my dear fellow, it strikes me that our elegant and attentive neighbor must either be some successful stock-jobber who has speculated in the fall of the Spanish funds, or some prince travelling incog." "Hush, hush!" replied Franz; "we shall ascertain who and what he is he comes!"

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