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One wore a narrow black tie with a white pearl stickpin. The other's "four-in-hand" was a narrow blue one pinned with a black pearl. And then, to old Jake's relief, there came a sudden distraction. Drama knocked at the door with imperious knuckles, and forced Comedy to the wings, and Drama peeped with a smiling but set face over the footlights.

There were rings on both hands, a rather showy but valuable stickpin in the scarf. The hands were not those of a laboring man. At the bridge of the nose a faint depression showed that he wore eyeglasses. His complexion was blond, and his eyes, open now only to a slit, might also have been light in color.

Ain't he got a new pair of pants, a blouse, a navy blue tie and a new stickpin? And as for the programme, he warns her to watch out "fur us kids because we're going to be fixed up for something, but I dassent tell because it's a surprise the teachers got up."

Of course, I bought the stickpin, but it was with money I had earned." The aunt sniffed in a vague way. The boy left the house, looking irritated and unhappy. Frank Jordan lived in the little town of Tipton with his aunt, Miss Tabitha Brown. His father was an invalid, and at the present time was in the South, seeking to recuperate his failing health, and Mrs. Jordan was with him as his nurse.

More feared and more hated than Conklin himself was Isaacs. The latter, always fastidious, wore a blue-striped vest, without a coat to obscure it, and about his throat was knotted a flaming vermilion necktie, fastened in place with a diamond stickpin obviously the spoil of some recent robbery. Glendin, watching, ground his teeth. McNamara followed.

By the time that the yarn had been carried to the further end of Main Street, Dick's holiday losses had mounted up to a total of: A gold watch and chain, a diamond stickpin, a twenty dollar gold piece, a suit of clothes, silver plated racing skates, a camera, a cornet and a host of lesser articles. "Whee!

"Have you any idea who took the money, Dan?" asked Bart Conners. "No. I was dead tired and slept like a dog. But I know I had the eleven dollars when I went to bed, and now it's gone." "So is my diamond stickpin," and the captain of Company B gave the particulars. "Humph!" muttered the bully. "I heard of those other robberies, but I didn't think I'd get touched as quick as this.

The excitement attending the disappearance of Bart Conners's stickpin and Dan Baxter's money had somewhat subsided, and now the cadets could think of nothing but the coming election. "How many cadets are there to vote?" asked Pepper, as he and Jack walked away to the river to skate. "Eighty-three." "Then it will take forty-two votes to elect anybody." "That's it."

"And you didn't find a thing?" "Only this button and lead pencil, and this buckle." "The pencil is mine, but not the button and the buckle." Andy heaved a sigh. "Then I am out my watch and chain, the stickpin, and eight dollars! Was there ever such luck!" "Andy, was anybody near you when you had the tumble?" asked Pepper. "Near me? Why, yes, there was a man on the road just ahead of me!

A very attractive, innocent and demure young lady, who could not speak English except with her hands and eyes, had relieved him of a stickpin and his watch while he sat with her at a table not far from the man he was protecting with his vaunted "eagle eye." "An' she swiped 'em right under me nose, an' me eyes square on her, too. These people are too keen for me.