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They had quarreled before over trifles, too. She opened it hastily. A swift heart sinking followed. In the small cardboard box rested a folded scarf, and thrust in it a small gold stickpin the only thing she had ever given Jack Barrow. There was no message. She needed none to understand. The sparkle of the small diamond on her finger drew her gaze.

"They pelted us with soft apples and other things and that started the team to running away. If it hadn't been for them we would have come to the school in the carryall all safe and sound." "I shall investigate," answered Captain Putnam, briefly. "Hello!" cried Pepper, a moment later. He was gazing at Andy's clothing. "Weren't you wearing a watch and a stickpin?"

"Where did you get that stickpin, Frank?" "Bought it at Mace's jewelry store." "You are getting extravagant." "I hardly think so, aunt, and I don't believe you would think so, either, if you knew all the circumstances." "Circumstances do not alter cases when a boy is a spendthrift." "I won't argue with you, aunt. You have your ideas and I have mine.

"Shucks! All the jewelry she ever had was a diamond stickpin she bit out of a gentleman's scarf when they were going home in a cab, and all she had left of that was the pawn ticket. "Naturally hearing the libelous remarks, I was compelled to defend myself, so I quietly interrupted her conversation by remarking lightly over her shoulder, 'Ah!

"I want to report that I was robbed last night," answered the captain of Company B. "Robbed!" ejaculated Josiah Crabtree. "Did you say robbed?" "Yes, sir." "What of? Where? When?" Josiah Crabtree's manner showed his tremendous excitement. "Of a diamond stickpin. I left it in one of my scarfs last night and this morning it was gone. I've looked all over, but I can't find it."

Platt was in the Star; and Lily, who knew a great deal about such things, immediately suspected that Tom was also. How else would a professor know a crew star "quite well"? Her interest in Tom rose. He had, as a matter of fact, attractive eyes; and that cerise-coloured knitted tie with a pearl stickpin might indicate much.

"You young rascal, where is that bracelet you took from my store?" Frank got a glimmering of the facts now. He was dumfounded, and listened like one in a dream, while Mr. Mace continued his furious tirade: "He took it. Can't you see from his actions that he took it, Miss Brown? Nobody else could have done it nobody else was in the store when he bought that stickpin he wears.

She began a search for a larger specimen. It might mount nicely into a stickpin for Bill, she thought; a memento of the Klappan Range. And in this search she came upon a large, rusty pebble, snuggled on the downstream side of an over-hanging rock right at the water's edge. It attracted her first by its symmetrical form, a perfect oval; then, when she lifted it, by its astonishing weight.

So you can see that Single was a man of experiences. Furthermore, he was always willing to talk about them. He gazed thoughtfully at Injun, who, out in the sunlight, was still admiring his stickpin. "The two funniest things in th' world t' me is mules an' Injuns," Single said. "Injuns don't never say or do nothin' funny," retorted a sour-looking puncher. "I mean queer, odd," Single replied.

Through the park stepped a large man scanning the benches where the electric light fell. "Is that you, Mac?" he said, halting before the derelicts. His diamond stickpin dazzled. His diamond-studded fob chain assisted. He was big and smooth and well fed. "Yes, I see it's you," he continued. "They told me at Mike's that I might find you over here. Let me see you a few minutes, Mac."