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"Yoh see, Miss, I'se de only thing whut I really owns 'cept dis yere ol' stickpin. Cose I'se free now, but I reckons if I has a mind to sell maself de Norf can't stop me. I'se sellin' ma own property." There was a gentle defiance in the old negro's argument. "And you you wouldn't accept a a loan?" The girl flushed. The negro's hurt eyes were answer enough.

"Didn't expect to see me quite so soon, did you?" returned Dave, pleasantly, and dropped into the seat beside him. "Nat, if it's all the same to you, I'll take my watch, my stickpin, and my money," he added, coldly. "Your what?" exclaimed Nat. Then he stared blankly at Dave. "I er I don't understand you." "Yes, you do. I want my things, and I want them at once!"

"You'd think I was some kind of a beggar, to hear her talk," he grumbled to himself. "Father sends plenty of pocket money, but the way Aunt Tib doles it out to me makes a fellow sick. As to the stickpin heigh ho! I won't think about it at all. I've lots to be thankful for. I only care that father gets well and strong again. As to myself, he's sure to decide soon what school I will be sent away to.

Holding the pillow in place with one hand Shocker gained possession of the watch and chain and stickpin with the other. Then he took from Dave's pocket a small roll of bank-bills. He tried to appropriate the lad's ring, but could not get it off the finger. Dave, finding himself being robbed, struggled harder than ever. But the bonds held and he was helpless to protect himself.

The manager of the hotel and a house detective were also in the group. "I tell you that those are the fellows who did it," Buck was vociferating, while he pointed to Larry and Tim. "They were the ones closest to me when I missed my watch and stickpin, and I had just looked at my watch the minute before. If you search them you'll find the goods on them. My friend here lost his at the same time."

"Dave! you have been away a long time!" cried Laura, as he appeared. "We have almost finished eating." "Never mind, I can get all I wish in a few minutes," he answered. "Why, your stickpin is gone!" cried Jessie. "And your watchchain, too." "Dave, have you been robbed?" questioned his uncle, quickly. "Yes and no," he answered, with a grim smile.

Bartholomew when we get back that he can set his time for the big test whenever he pleases. I have already sent our patent attorney in Washington the final blueprints. Now, if nothing happens " "Bless my stickpin!" exclaimed Mr. Damon, "What can happen now that the locomotive is practically perfect?" That question was answered in one way, and a most startling way, within the hour.

Still Racey did not deign to reply. He placed, removed, and replaced a garnet stickpin in the necktie a dozen times handrunning. Jimmie beat the long roll with his knuckles on the bottom of the frying-pan, and winked at the broad back of Racey Dawson. "I hear they's a new hasher at Bill Lainey's hotel," pursued the indefatigable Jimmie. It ain't her! Don't tell me it's her!

Inside were small jewelry cases, and each contained a beautiful stickpin of gold, holding a ruby with three small diamonds around it. "Say, this is fine!" murmured Sam. "Dan, we didn't expect this," said Dick. "But you said you'd accept," pleaded Baxter. "They are all alike, as I said before. I had the firm make them to order, so there is nothing else like them on the market.

Do you think he had something to do with your being thrown from the horse?" "No, not with being thrown from the horse, Reff. But, if you'll remember, when I came to my senses my watch was gone, also my stickpin and eight dollars in bills." "And you think that man took them?" questioned Reff Ritter, in a voice that sounded strained. "I won't say that until I know more about the man.