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They lived, too, on friendliest terms with their less-instructed and homelier neighbours, the black alpaca blouse and coloured kerchief, doing duty for bonnet, being conspicuous at their Sunday receptions. Not even a Zola can charge French village-life with the snobbishness so conspicuous in England.

But where is Mr. Arlt?" Thayer's face darkened. "Mrs. Lloyd Avalons neglected to invite him," he replied quietly. Lorimer's lip curled. "If that isn't beyond the dreams of snobbishness, Thayer! Why did you come to her old party, then?" "Because I thought it would be too petty to stay away." "I would be petty, then.

He had no scholars hardly even his sons. Almost alone among his Boston contemporaries, he was not English in feeling or in sympathies. Perhaps a hundred years of acute hostility to England had something to do with this family trait; but in his case it went further and became indifference to social distinction. Never once in forty years of intimacy did his son notice in him a trace of snobbishness.

But this is growing too savage: don't let us forget our usual amenity, and that tone of playfulness and sentiment with which the beloved reader and writer have pursued their mutual reflections hitherto. Well, Snobbishness pervades the little Social Farce as well as the great State Comedy; and the self-same moral is tacked to either.

I walked about near the house for hours last night like an idiot. The thing seemed impossible; I had to keep reminding myself, by looking at the windows, that it was true. Eight years think of that! Eight years' misery, due to that fellow's snobbishness! In Harvey's mind the story had a somewhat different aspect. He knew nothing personally of this Mr.

'That's just it, said Charles Lamb, 'I never can hate anyone that I know! The best bred man is the man who finds it easy to get on with everybody on equal terms: but it's part of the snobbishness of human nature that exclusiveness is rather admired than otherwise. There's a delightfully exclusive woman in one of Henry James' novels, who refuses to be introduced to a family.

What would become of these idle, parasitic ladies, who squander more in a week than their victims earn in a year, if not for the eighty million wage workers? Equality, who ever heard of such a thing? Few countries have produced such arrogance and snobbishness as America. Particularly this is true of the American woman of the middle class.

In spite of the terrible warning provided by so great a smash there yet remain people who will argue that it is better to fall through Pride than to remain unfallen through lack of it. By Pride, Pride is meant of course not Conceit, Snobbishness and Bumptiousness, which are all very damnable, and signs of a weak, base mind.

So, many city-dwelling families, not from snobbishness but because they do not want their young hopefuls to acquire slum manners and traits, dig deep into their bank accounts and send their children to private schools. Seldom is this necessary in the country, especially if the educational system is investigated beforehand.

Already that one great blank in our land had made snobbishness the only religion of South England; and turned rich men into a mythology. The effect can be well summed up in that decorous abbreviation by which our rustics speak of "Lady's Bedstraw," where they once spoke of "Our Lady's Bedstraw." We have dropped the comparatively democratic adjective, and kept the aristocratic noun.