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Wishful, he shoots craps, reg'lar." Scott nodded, shifted the coffee-pot and sat down on the edge of his bunk. "Got any smokin'?" he queried presently. Bartley offered the miner a cigar. "I'm afraid it's broken," apologized Bartley. "That's all right. I was goin' to town this mornin', to get some tobacco and grub. But this will help."

He betrayed his pleasure only once, when, as he measured out the shot from an old rag into his seamed palm, he said with a nod of his head: "Y' all kin run ole hyahs; de ole man' shoots 'em." And as we started off we heard him muttering: "Ole Molly Hyah, What yo' doin' dyah? Settin' in de cornder Smokin' a cigah."

She looked down the street, and saw Jonah and Chook, with a few others of the Push, sunning themselves in the morning air. Her face darkened. "I see the Push 'ave got Jimmy Sinclair at last. Only six months ago 'e went ter Sunday school reg'lar, an' butter wouldn't melt in 'is mouth. Well, if smokin' cigarettes, an' spittin', and swearin' was 'ard work, they'd all die rich men.

She thought 'twas her duty, however, to warn him against profane language, but the answer she got was so much more prayerful than his first remarks, that she come about and headed for the sittin'-room quick. "Well, to make a long yarn short, the Kill-Smudge done the bus'ness. Kenelm stuck to smokin' till he couldn't read a cigar sign without his ballast shiftin', and then he give it up.

He was a settin' afo' his do' smokin' his pipe and he glanced me over kind of weary-like and says, 'Howdy! It wa'n't much of a greetin' the way he said it either; but I figured it was some better than bein' chased off the place. So I stepped indo's, stood my rifle in a corner and hung up my cap. He was watchin' me and presently he drawled out, 'Make yo'self perfectly at home, stranger.

Con saw a little cloud of white dust rise up over each as it dumped down, and melt away on the air, making him wonder to himself: "Is it smokin' hot they are?" But in another moment they were hidden for a while by a wild wave of the crowd, which threw itself tumultuously upon them. One of the sacks burst, spilling the soft flour in flakes, and round it the jostling and writhing grew fiercest.

"I shall remain standing." "Let me make you acquainted with my husband," pursued the lady, "he's Lord Simon de Lacey, second son of the Duke of Aberfalden. Please excuse him smokin'!" The effect of these simple words on Mrs. Handsomebody was startling.

Dock had a piece uv wood 'bout two inches long, maybe three: it wuz black 'nd stubby 'nd looked jest like the butt uv a cigar. Nobody but Dock w'u'd ever hev thought uv sech a fool thing, but Dock used to go round with that thing in his mouth like it wuz a cigar, and when he 'd meet a man who wuz smokin' he'd say: "Excuse me, but will you please to gimme a light?"

Has them candles on the altar been smokin'? 'No, he says, 'not as I know on. 'Well, I says, sniffin' like, 'there's a very queer smell in the place. It's not 'ealthy. Summat ought to be done to it at once. 'Hush! he says, 'what you smells is the incense. And then the Holliton clergyman!

They heard the housekeeper descending. At the bottom step she sniffed loudly. "I do believe it's tobacco smoke!" she exclaimed. "Cap'n Dott, have you been smokin' in my kitchen?" She entered the room, waving an indignant arm. She was dressed in her Sunday best, bonnet and all. "What!" she began, and then, suddenly aware that her employer was not alone, turned to stare at his companion.