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Updated: August 1, 2024

"The time must be ripe;" and I suppose my face showed something of what I felt, for Burr major cried, "Look at the puppy, boys; he looks as if he wanted to bite. Did you ever see such an impudent beggar? I don't believe his name's Burr at all. It's only a bit of a show-off." At that moment there was a hail from the paddock, and the school bell rang for the first lesson.

The blue trousers, the waistcoat of a material called "Scotch stuff," a sky-blue cravat and a pink-striped cotton shirt, expressed, in the midst of all this ruin, such a latent desire to SHOW-OFF that the contrast was not only a sight to see, but a lesson to be learned. "And that is Georges!" said Oscar, in his own mind, "a man I left in possession of thirty thousand francs a year!"

Tara, who owned big brothers, seemed to know all about it, or looked as if she did; and to show you didn't understand what a girl understood, would be the last indignity. When the cricket show-off was finished, Joe talked India and ragged Tara, in a big-brotherly way, ignored Christine, as if five and a half simply didn't count.

'What a nuisance! said Justin, but in his heart he was not ill-pleased. There was a good deal of love of show-off about him, and a little girl, especially a quiet, gentle child like Rosamond, seemed to him very well suited to fill the place of admirer to his important self. 'We must take her to see old Nance, the first chance we get, said Pat. 'We almost promised we would, you remember?

It's all there is to Cora, just show-off, so she'll get a string o' fellows chasin' after her. She's started for this Corliss just exactly the way she did for Ray Vilas!" "Hedrick!" "Just look at her!" he cried vehemently. "Don't you know she's tryin' to make this Corliss think it's her playin' the piano right now?" "Oh, no " "Didn't she do that with Ray Vilas?" he demanded quickly.

Listening, we heard the clatter of horses' feet, going at a good pace, and we all rose and went to the windows, to see the arrival. Our feelings can be judged when across the tracks came only a mob of thirty or forty cowboys, riding in their usual "show-off" style. "The deuce!" I couldn't help exclaiming, in my surprise. "Are you sure you saw a flag, Miss Cullen?" "Why I thought " she faltered.

"It may belong t' me, an' then again, it maybe don't. It ain' gunna git me in no trouble; I'll luk out f'r that. YOUR side's where the trouble is; that's what's eatin' into you. An' I'll tell you flat-foot, your gittin' rough 'ith me and playin' Charley the Show-Off in front o' yer lady- friends'll all go down in the bill.

I do not know how pictures could have been greener or bluer or yellower or redder, and when the show-off man called my attention to them, as calculated to make the place cheerful; I recognized their merit, but suggested that some paper blinds might be desirable to keep the sun from shining into the faces of the men who lay on the cots.

"Please do not ride so near the brink, Sir Max," pleaded Yolanda. "It frightens me." Max had little of the braggadocio spirit about him, but no rightly constituted young man is entirely devoid of the desire to "show off" in the presence of timid and interesting ladies. Without that spirit of "show-off," what would induce our knights to meet in glorious tournaments?

I did not speak, for my antagonist had begun sparring at me, making feints and trying to throw me off my guard, but, as if by instinct now, I dropped into the positions and practice Mercer and I had been learning so long, and, as I thought, without avail; but I did begin to find out that it had been good advice to stand on my guard and to let my adversary show-off and tire himself.

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