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Updated: August 1, 2024

He was still a tad disgruntled about being used as a work-horse, but he allowed this feeling to be repressed in favor of the pomp and circumstance of the parade. He was, after all, a bit of a show-off when he could get away with it. And that is a real understatement! Sir Simon the Shrew was able to construct upon the Red Wagon a magnificent papier maché image that kind of resembled Dorothy.

He'd like to make every one think he has been coaching his kids, and this is just a show-off." "Well, let him show off; who cares?" growled Gilks. "All very well. He ought to be hooted round the school instead of flashing it there in the Big, the hypocritical cad!" "Well, why don't you go and do it?" said Gilks; "you'd get plenty to join you." "Would I? No, I wouldn't.

He had wished to "show-off" before his little playmates, and after rudely fastening several boards taken from the tumble-down old mill into a crude attempt at a raft, had boldly launched the same. With a pole he had stepped aboard, and then proceeded to "cut capers."

'So rich, said Jacinth, rather at a loss apparently what crime to lay at the doors of the good folk of the manufacturing town who had incurred her displeasure. Frances laughed. 'That's not a sin, she said. 'Lady Myrtle's rich, and so in a way, I suppose, is Uncle Marmy. 'I mean they seem to think of it so. Once or twice, when I've paid calls with mamma, they were so fussy and show-off.

Probably it might have been better to seize the creature instantly on his entry into the arena, while he was under the influence of his first bewilderment; and doubtless when the men have got hot to their work, and the advancing sun warns them to get on with it, the business will be more summarily despatched. But in the first opening of the day's work a little show-off is indulged in.

Our active service was mainly confined to marching over the cruel cobble-stones on the Fourth of July and other show-off occasions, while commonly we indulged in an annual excursion and target practice in the wilds of Alameda. Once we saw real service. When the news of the assassination of Lincoln reached San Francisco the excitement was intense.

"Why, wasn't that part of the show-off?" asked Pilbury. "Part of the show-off! No!" exclaimed Philpot. "I thought it was the best part of it all," said Cusack. "So did I. No end of a bust up it was." "You see," said Philpot, solemnly, "what I ought to have done was to dilute the oxygen with a little air first, but you fellows flurried me so I forgot all about it."

Let Theodora say what she will, it does not make it right for me to put myself in the way of those great extravagant dinners and parties of theirs, where they want me for nothing but a show-off. 'I am sure Theodora will think with you, when she is cooler, and not taken by surprise. The clock struck. 'There, I have an appointment! 'I wish you could wait for luncheon. She must come then.

This was for the purpose of determining whether thirst is quenched by the application of water to the epidermis. They came back out of breath, both of them having caught cold. Experiments in hearing, speech, and vision were then made in a lively fashion; but Bouvard made a show-off on the subject of generation. Pécuchet's reserve with regard to this question had always surprised him.

In the meantime they had decided what they wanted for books. The English-speaking French lad wanted either Shakespeare or Milton, and as I laid the books on the table for him, he told his comrade who the two authors were, and promised to explain it all to him, and there wasn't a sign of show-off in it either.

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