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For a moment or two his face was a study in bewilderment. “Mighty strange things have been happening all through this cruise,” Eph muttered, half-aloud. “Especially happening to Jack! Now, the two of them go aboard that sloop, and immediately after the boat puts out to sea in the dead of night. What if Jack and Hal have been shanghaied on that infernal sloop?”

Freddie's pretty good too, they say except when he's losing on the races or gets stuck on some actress that's too classy to be shanghaied like you was and that makes him cough up." Maud went on to disclose that Jim usually let her have all she made above thirty dollars a week, and in hard weeks had sometimes let her beg off with fifteen.

We know the record of that ship. Aye, lad, and if those sorry-looking timbers yonder could talk, you would not have to make the voyage with us in order to get a taste of the salt. You'd get real local color there you'd hear of many a wild ocean race, of smashed records, or shanghaied crews and mutinies. Yes, and you'd get, perhaps, some of that particular information you say you are after.

He remembered going up to his room and the sleepiness that had pressed itself upon him there. And there was a thought, a doubt, that had been with him at the last. It eluded him for a moment; then he remembered and sat up, in an access of vigor and anger as he recalled it. "Knock-out drops," he said. "Yes, by God! Tom Mowbray's shanghaied me!"

"Then you did not fall overboard as they supposed," stammered Randolph at last. "Not much! But the next thing to it. It wasn't the water that I took in that knocked me out, my lad, but something stronger. I was shanghaied." "Shanghaied?" repeated Randolph vacantly. "Yes, shanghaied! Hocused!

They had deliberately kidnapped him, shanghaied him, because they did not choose to trust him, because they thought he might print the story of the island treasure beach in his paper, or babble of it and start a rush to the new strike of which he had seen proof in the gold dust streaming from the poke.

When a man in long boots floundered down the ladder, Black sat up in his bunk. "Now there's going to be trouble. Some blame rascals have run me off aboard a lumber ship," he said. "Correct!" observed a man who was struggling into an oilskin jacket. "You're blame well shanghaied like the rest of us, and as the mate's a rustler, you've got to make the best of it." "Hello! What's the matter with you?

"Shut up!" answered Rogers, stabbing at a piece of salt beef with his knife. "We won't shut up!" said Benson, spooning up pea soup with his brand new tin spoon. "This increases your sentence to the extent of a shorter shrift." "Go to the devil, the pair of you! I was doped and shanghaied myself, and I've run foul o' the mates, same as you did and for less reason, too."

Ought to be shanghaied to the Khiftan Sector and sold to the priests of Fasif! A buzzer sounded, and for an instant he thought it would be the message he had seen Hasthor Fan recording. Then he realized that it was the buzzer for the private door, which could only be operated by someone with a special identity sign. He pressed a button and unlocked the door.

Somebody heard and flung down a line. He clutched at it and, by good fortune, grasped it. Head downward he was drawn on board by the aid of a long boathook, and hauled, dripping, before the skipper. "Did you fall or jump in?" asked the skipper. "I jumped," confessed Black, putting a bold face on it, and the master of the towboat laughed. "Shanghaied, I guess!" he said.