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They had caught the fellow and were dragging him forward by the back and scruff of the neck, while he deliberately hung limp and let his feet drag as if paralysed from the waist down. The captain stood over the group, that had come to a halt below. The captain was in good humour. "Bring him up here." The shanghaied man stood facing Schantze, with all the deference of a sailor, yet subtly defiant.

"Come on now and tell us who you are." Again von Ludwig smiled. "I wonder if you can guess who I am when I say that I can tell you all about yourselves?" he said. "For instance, you, Jack. You spent most of your life in a little African village. And you, Frank, are an American who was shanghaied aboard a sailing vessel in Naples soon after the outbreak of the war." "By Jove!" said Jack.

She wasn't like the big ships he was used to, but of her kind the best craft he ever. . . . And with a brusque return upon himself, he protested that he had been decoyed on board under false pretences. It was as bad as being shanghaied when in liquor. It was upon his soul. And into a craft next thing to a pirate! That was the name for it or his own name was not Shaw. He said this glaring owlishly.

The two boys went upstairs, and while they are awaiting the arrival of Lord Hastings, a few words will be necessary to introduce them more fully. Frank Chadwick was an American lad of possibly nineteen. He had been in Italy when the great European war broke out, and through a misfortune had been shanghaied aboard a sailing vessel.

"Mighty strange things have been happening all through this cruise," Eph muttered, half aloud. "Especially happening to Jack! Now, the two of them go aboard that sloop, and immediately after the boat puts out to sea in the dead of night. What if Jack and Hal have been shanghaied on that infernal sloop?" Cold chills began to chase each other up and down the spine of Eph Somers.

When Goodwin had been "shanghaied" in San Francisco drugged and carried on board unconscious while another man "signed on" for him and drew three months of his wages in advance those who shipped him had omitted to search him, and his money-belt was intact. "Robbed? No!" answered Goodwin impatiently.

"You know my uncle?" he asked eagerly. "I read the papers," she said evasively. "Everybody knows a public man." "I'm laying the cards face up, madam," repeated Kendrick solemnly. "My name is Kendrick Philip Kendrick. I was on my way home when you well, shanghaied me. Won't you meet me half way by equal frankness, so that we may avoid well, any unpleasantness?"

"From the North Pacific," answered the voice; and we dimly discerned its owner groping his way forward. "From the five years' whaling voyage into which I was gagged and dragged shanghaied, they call it. O, Pen, I didn't dare to hope I should find " "Oh, Chauncey, is it you?" she cried, and fell fainting at his feet.

These are disagreeable, I admit, but they are positive; one may overcome or, at least, forget them. But suppose you stand confronting the negative of existence; the highway is clear, indeed, but how interminable its vista, its straight, smooth, and intolerably level stretch. That road is mine. "Yes; I have tried the by-paths. Once I was shanghaied; twice I have been marooned and by my own men.

The trader told him the story and it moved him. "Do you think he'll ever come back?" asked Neilson. "No fear. Why, it'll be a couple of years before the ship is paid off, and by then he'll have forgotten all about her. I bet he was pretty mad when he woke up and found he'd been shanghaied, and I shouldn't wonder but he wanted to fight somebody.