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Updated: August 25, 2024

Je crois, cependant, que la peine qu'on aurait prise de savoir ce qu'elle veut declarer serait si legere, qu'on ne la regretterait pas, quand meme on decouvrirait que cette femme n'est qu'une folle." But now, all these softer, milder feelings seemed burnt out in the wild fire of revenge and scorn which blazed through her whole being.

"The fire should have been here, at this side," explained the husband. "Then one might have a writing-table in the middle books and" (comprehensively) "all. It would be quite coquettish ça serait tout-

J'ai mange un diner qui m'a fait tant de bien que ce ne serait pas cher a une centaine de francs. Cet hotel est tres propre et la cuisine y est faite convenablement sans melange de sauces. Toute la journee de lundi a Amiens, j'ai vecu d'un petit morceau de pain d'epices. Le soir a 10 h. 1/2 j'ai mange une tranche de jambon. Je suis parti a minuit pour Paris ou je suis arrive a 4 h. du matin.

Consider the words of Count D'Orsay, spoken on the eve of some duel, 'We are not fairly matched. If I were to wound him in the face it would not matter; but if he were to wound me, ce serait vraiment dommage! There we have a pure example of a dandy's peculiar vanity 'It would be a real pity! They say that D'Orsay killed his man no matter whom in this duel. He never should have gone out.

We need not waste time or space in dilating on what would have happened to Nelson had he put at defiance the authority that controlled him and the irreparable disaster that would have followed. Villeneuve has been belauded for his gallantry in the fight at Trafalgar; indeed, we learn, from sources that may be relied upon, that his bravery, dispositions in battle, and art of enthusing his followers could not be surpassed. His signals to the fleet were almost identical with Nelson's. Here is one: "Celui qui ne serait pas dans le feu ne serait pas

"I am afraid I can't offer you the same cheer that you would give me at the maison Doree," Gilbert said to his friend. "Ca serait gater la couleur locale; oh! some bread-and-cheese, with a bottle of beer, will do very well for me." But there was neither bread nor cheese nor beer; and no kind of abode, however miserable, had M. Souverain ever known to be without bread.

En ce moment, il serait bien desirable, egalement en France et en Angleterre, de voir les moderes de nuances diverses se rapprocher, pour former un veritable parti conservateur: chez vous, anciens whigs et anciens tories; chez nous, les centres droits et les centres gauches.

As he noticed the distress under which I was laboring, the physician kindly said before I left him: "I repeat, that I do not apprehend a recurrence of what happened last night but, si par impossible une autre crise semblable survenait, rappelez-vous bien que, meme suivie de syncope, elle ne serait jamais mortelle."

But he infers that Sir Richard, when at the villa, lives in retirement that he is subject to fits of melancholy. There will be little diversion for madame it is to be feared! But what would you have? Even though one should be young and rich ce ne serait que peu amusant d'être estropié, d'être monstre enfin."

"Vous êtes belle, et votre soeur est belle; Entre vous deux, tout choix serait bien doux. L'Amour êtait blond, comme vous, Mais il aimait une brune, comme elle." They had beautiful figures as well as faces, and dressed peculiarly and so as to display them to the greatest advantage.

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