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An officer, a gentleman of talent, whose name was Hautmont, wrote the following verses upon Cardinal Mazarin, for which he was locked up in the Bastille for eighteen months: Creusons tous le tombeau A qui nous persecute; A ce Jules nouveauu Cherchons un nouveau Brute. Que le jour serait beau, Si nous voyions sa chute!

Ce sera un exemple de plus des guerres faites par embarras de ne pas les faire bien plus que par volonte de les faire. Je suis porte a croire que l'Empereur Napoleon serait charme de ne plus entendre parler de l'Italie; mais pour cela il faudrait qu'il n'y eut plus d'assassins italiens, plus de Roi de Sardaigne, plus de cousins a marier, plus de brouillons revolutionnaires a contenter.

An officer, a gentleman of talent, whose name was Hautmont, wrote the following verses upon Cardinal Mazarin, for which he was locked up in the Bastille for eighteen months: Creusons tous le tombeau A qui nous persecute; A ce Jules nouveauu Cherchons un nouveau Brute. Que le jour serait beau, Si nous voyions sa chute!

While Madame must have planned the Brighton trip, she contrived that the suggestion should come timidly, deprecatingly, from Rust. She would have scorned so crude an advance, one, too, falling so far short of her high standard of womanly virtue, as a direct hint that she was willing to pass three days in a seaside hotel with a young man! Mais, non. Ce serait une bêtise incroyable!

At that moment the ladies left the well and came up to where we were. Grushnitski succeeded in assuming a dramatic pose with the aid of his crutch, and in a loud tone of voice answered me in French: "Mon cher, je hais les hommes pour ne pas les mepriser, car autrement la vie serait une farce trop degoutante."

An officer, a gentleman of talent, whose name was Hautmont, wrote the following verses upon Cardinal Mazarin, for which he was locked up in the Bastille for eighteen months: Creusons tous le tombeau A qui nous persecute; A ce Jules nouveauu Cherchons un nouveau Brute. Que le jour serait beau, Si nous voyions sa chute!

On the subject of gaming a French writer has justly observed: "Quand il serait vrai que la passion du jeu ne finit pas toujours par le crime, toujours est il constant qu'elle finit par l'infortune et le deshonneur." "Granting it to be true, that the love of gaming does not always terminate in crime, yet still it invariably ends in misfortune and dishonour."

It would be quite coquettish ca serait tout-a-fait coquet. And he looked about him as though the improvements were already made. It was plainly not the first time that he had thus beautified his cabin in imagination; and when next he makes a bit, I should expect to see the writing-table in the middle. Madame had three birds in a cage. They were no great thing, she explained.

I hardly think nursing would suit them very well." I did not immediately answer, and Sylvia's quick mind divined the reason of my reluctance. "Let us talk en français," she said; "that will not disturb this good man, and he can go to sleep if he likes." "Très bien," I said, "parlons nous en français." "Il serait charmant," said she; "j'aime la belle langue."

"A quand donc le jour des noces, ma bien-aimee?" And Mdlle. Reuter answered "Mais, Francois, tu sais bien qu'il me serait impossible de me marier avant les vacances." "June, July, August, a whole quarter!" exclaimed the director. "How can I wait so long? I who am ready, even now, to expire at your feet with impatience!"