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And stopping there they looked back at the dangers they had passed at Appenfell piled up to heaven with white clouds; at Bardlyn rift looming in black abysses beneath them; at the thin broken line of the Devil's Way. They looked: "As a man with difficult short breath, Forespent with toiling, 'scaped from sea to shore Turns to the perilous wide waste, and stands At gaze."

Thy father and mother will be right glad to hear thou hast 'scaped that African fever." "They! They'd think me no better than a French monk!" said John. "And none of them could read it either! I'll never write! My grandsire only set his cross to the great charter!" And John retreated in fear perhaps that Richard would sully his manhood with a writing lesson!

But what was my horror when the grizzly and infamus Bear threw his other paw UNDER me, and riz with me to his feet. Then claspin me in a close embrace he waltzed up and down the platform in a frightful manner, I yellin with fear and anguish. To make matters wuss, a low scurrilus young man in the audiens hollered out: "Playfulness of the Bear! Quick moosic!" I jest 'scaped with my life.

SIR, I am glad you 'scaped a beating, but, in earnest, would it had lighted on my brother's groom. I think I should have beaten him myself if I had been able.

Anoder splitted right down fro' de helmet, so as one half fall on one side, an' de odour half fall " "Come now, Quashy," interrupted Lawrence, with a laugh, "you exaggerate." "What! you call dat exaggerate, massa? Den Conrad exaggerate about ten more afore he cut his way troo an' 'scaped to de hills. Oh, he's an awrful man!"

Wullahy, 'twill grieve his soul in aftertime when he sitteth secure in honours, courted, with a thousand ears at his bidding, that so much breath 'scaped him without toll of the tongue! But as the poet says truly: "The chariot of Events lifteth many dusty heels, And many, high and of renown, it crusheth with its wheels." Wah!

He says he escaped." "He wouldn't be travelin' round these parts if he was a' 'scaped prisoner. As for crossin' the mountains he might 'a' gone for to see what he could see. Cornstalk has spies all up an' down the frontier. I 'low them two we met yesterday was bent on spyin'. God! That's a' awful thought! But I ain't got no sister. It was a red woman we seen.

Bates made off pretty quickly, but the two brothers tarried a little to see how much damage the blackberries had suffered, and to repair the losses as they descended into the bog by gathering some choice dewberries. "I marvel these fine fellows 'scaped our company," said Stephen presently. "Are we in the right track, thinkst thou? Here is a pool I marked not before," said Ambrose anxiously.

"A proof," said Augustus, dryly, to Paul, "that by prudence and exertion even in those places where a man cannot turn himself he may manage to turn a penny." "Relate at large, my godlike guest," she said, "The Grecian stratagems, the town betrayed!" DRYDEN: Virgil, AEneid, book ii. Descending thence, they 'scaped! Ibid.

"I did but say I would none of her boys in my party, dear Mistress Brewster, and I hope you'll say so too," replied Howland, uncovering his yellow head. "They are the greatest marplots and scapegraces" "Nay, nay, John! Say no evil, or thou 'lt make me think thou hast 'scaped grace thyself," suggested the elder's wife with her gentle smile. "And prithee, what is thy party?