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Updated: August 19, 2024

But i' the mean time, gin ye dinna want her to see ye lickit, come doon into yon how, and we'll jist sattle aff han' wha's the best man o' the twa." "I won't move a step to please you or any one else," returned Bruce. He saw that his safety consisted in keeping within sight of Annie. Curly saw on his part that, a few steps nearer to where Annie sat, the path led behind a stunted ash-tree.

He laboured constantly at this heart, making it plump by piling up the earth, and cramming it with plants of various kinds perennials much in want of subdivision, and often in full bloom which he brought from cottage gardens of "folk he knew," and watered copiously to "sattle 'em." His real name was not Adolphe, but Thomas.

I wantit to see whether ye was richt or wrang; an' as algebra luiket the maist oonlikly thing, I thoucht I wad taikle that, an' sae sattle the queston at ance. But, eh me! I'm sair feart ye was i' the wrang, Cosmo!" "I maun du my best to pruv mysel' i' the richt," returned Cosmo. "I never said onybody cud learn a' o' themsel's, wantin' help, ye ken.

"At lang length he gies him back his book, and he says: 'I sal hae to look into this misen. Throp's wife! I'll sooin sattle wi' Throp's wife. I'll noan have her turnin' Cohen-eead intul a Gardin o' Eden. I reckon I'm fair stalled o' that mak o' place. "So Satan gav out that he were baan for Cohen-eead an' wouldn't be back while to-morn.

'Am I to rise? asked Shargar, not understanding the action. 'Na, na, lie still. Ye'll be warm eneuch wantin' thae sovereigns. I'll lat ye oot i' the mornin' afore grannie's up. And ye maun mak' the best o't efter that till it's dark again. We'll sattle a' aboot it at the schuil the morn. Only we maun be circumspec', ye ken. 'Ye cudna lay yer han's upo' a drap o' whusky, cud ye, Bob?

" Fergus did not consider the punishment he had himself given him as worth mentioning as indeed, except for honesty's sake, it was not, beside the other. "Weel, I'll be a man some day, an' Angus 'll hae to sattle wi' me!" said Donal through his clenched teeth. "Man, Fergus! the cratur's as dumb's a worum. I dinna believe 'at ever he spak a word in's life."

"At that we gav ower prayin', but kept kneelin' by his side an' waited for the Lord to sattle t' job. An' outside t' wind were yowlin' as if it would blow down t' walls and chimleys. But warr nor t' yowlin' o' t' wind were t' groans o' Sam Learoyd.

There's one of her scholars, a blacksmith he's above fifty year owd iv yo were to mention her name to him just now, he'd begin a-cryin', an' he'd ha' to walk eawt o'th heause afore he could sattle hissel'. Eh, hoo wur a fine woman; an' everything that hoo said wur so striking. Hoo writes to her scholars here, once a week; an' hoo wants 'em to write back to her, as mony on 'em as con do.

"If you tell them who papa is," said Florimel, "they won't do us any harm, surely!" "I 'm nane sae sure o' that. Jist stan' ye back, my lord an' my leddy, an' dinna speyk a word. I s' sattle them. They're sic villains, there nae terms to be hauden wi' them."

She faltered beneath his black glower. "Go on!" he said, and ground it out of her. "The damned sumph!" he growled, "to let Brodie hammer him!" For a moment, it is true, his anger was divided, stood in equipoise, even dipped "Brodie-ward." "I've an account to sattle wi' him!" he thought grimly. "When I get my claw on his neck, I'll teach him better than to hit a Gourlay!

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