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I was told that this saire was a device adopted by the Jesuits to attract the savages to church, for these everywhere followed the mirrors, in which they saw as it were magically reflected their own persons. In the evening good-humoured revelry prevailed on all sides. The negroes, who had a saint of their own colour St.

He bounded up the stairs, two at a time, scarcely heeding the white-capped nurse, who hurried after him, softly calling: "Not on ze rush, saire. You make ze rush, you gif madame ze start." "That's so," muttered Merry, checking himself at the head of the stairs and waiting for the cautious nurse. "Lizette, lead the way."

Then Diamond thumped the wall again, crying: "Stop that business in there! Mr. Slush, you are playing cards with crooks you are being robbed! Get out of that game as soon as you can!" There was a sudden silence in the adjoining room, and then M. Rouen Montfort was heard to utter an exclamation in French, following which he cried: "I see you to-morrow, saire! I make you swallow ze lie!"

"You are ze most prudent of gentlemen!" he exclaimed. "Your great Franco-American pearl expert, 'e 'as valued ze pearls one time already at 'is own place, under your eye, Mistaire Sand. Now 'e 'as to come to your 'ouse! Mazette! But you must tink me a smart one, saire, if I could change false tings for real in ze last minute!"

"I fancy I can take care of this Frenchman. If you do not get Harris into the boat I swear I will not enter it if I conquer Montfort!" Then he whirled on the Frenchman. "I accept your challenge!" he cried in clear tones. Montfort uttered an exclamation of satisfaction. He flung off his coat, saying: "Choose ze weapon, saire." Frank did not pause to look them over in making a selection.

Monsieur insults a French gentleman. I am no spy." "Was it not the work of a spy to bring that French sloop here to ravage my place and steal the ore that had been smelted down?" "True, saire, it vas bad; but ze espion was your own countrymen, saire. Ze Capitaine Gualtiere does no do such not you calls dirty vorks as zat." "Jonas Uggleston! It was he, then?" cried my father.

"And I rather think I am in the showdown," choked out the prisoner. "I'll need this money to defend myself when I come to trial." "You shall have it," assured Dan Badger "if you win it." "Well, I think I'll win it," said the ironed man, spreading out his hand. "I have four aces, and you can't beat that." "Oh, my dear saire!" cried the Frenchman. "Zat ees pretty gude, but I belief zis ees battaire.

"I see you are not Americans, my friends," said the official. "No, saire; we are some Frenchmen," replied the detective, spreading out his two hands in a French gesture, and bowing very politely. "Being Frenchmen, I am not a little surprised that you should have undertaken to defend me from this assault," added Mr. Alwayn.

"Ze Frenchman like, wat was this you call him, ze fair play; and ve could not prevent to put some fingers in tose pies. Ver glad you was not have the head broke," replied M. Rubempré, with another native flourish. "Mais, wat for de canaille make ze war on you, saire? You was certainment un gentleman ver respectable." Mr.

Every day at lunch he produced a new, carefully prepared piece of English, though for some time he retained a marked preference for "Good morning, Saire," and "Thank you very mush," over all other locutions, and fell back upon them on all possible and many impossible occasions.