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Updated: August 22, 2024

"No, indeed," said I, amused at his query and the funny wink that accompanied it. "What has become of that spiteful little beggar?" "Begorrah, ye'll laugh an' be amused, but he's marri'd to a wife as big as one of thim grannydeers we onst took in the ould barquey to Bermuda, d'ye rimimber? Faith, she's saix feet hoigh, an' broad in the b'ame in proporshi'n.

Greatly sobered by his fear, he staggered down the block and around the corner to the steps of Miss Terry's house. "This is the place," he mused. "I know ut; here's where the frindly lam'post hild me in its arrums. I rimimber there was a dark house forninst me. Here's where ut lay on the sidewalk, all pink an' pretty. An' I kicked ut into the street! Where is ut now? Where gone? Howly Mither!

I'll be glad enough to see 'em, for one." "And the owld sowl upstairs. Not that I iver set my eyes on her, and that's the thrruth." "Old Mother Prichard? Why that's none so easy to say. So soon as her swell friends get sick of her, I suppose. She's being cared for, I take it, at this here country place." "'Tis a nobleman's sate in the Norruth, they sid. Can ye till the name of it, to rimimber?"

"Faith, the skipper is foine and flourishin'," he informed me, "an' the ould barquey as good an' as sound as ivver she was. Do you ricollict ould Stokes?" "Of course I do," I said. "Is he still chief?" "No, no; he retired a year ago or more on a pinsion which the company gave him for his long service; an' little Grummet ye rimimber him? well, he's promoted, sure, to ould Stokes' billet.

The engineer of his train can't stop for orders short of this station, for the reason that there are no stations." "An' thim Sooz is in ambush near here?" queried Casey, reflectively. "Shure thot could only be in wan place. I rimimber thot higher, narrer pass." "Right. It's steep up-grade coming east. Train can be blocked.

"Why, mother must have a hundred of them in the shop at this very minute, besides those little ones she brought up herself which Jenny used to act as nurse to!" "Och, sure, Oi rimimber thim will enuff," answered Mick, with a melancholy look on his face, as if his mind had turned back from Santa Cruz to Bonfire Corner all of a sudden and to our little house there.

Nobody iver makes turtle soup half so rich as yours, and your green peas in cream, and asparagus on toast is a rivilation don't you rimimber 'twas Father Michael that said it? I ought to be able to find mushrooms in a few weeks, and I can taste your rhubarb pie over from last year. Gee! But I wish he'd come in strawberrying!

Do you want that kind of provender again? Butler says, 'give us greenbacks by the ton, and everybody will be rich. You tried that once and you carried your money to market in a bushel basket, and brought back the dinner you bought with it in a gill dipper. Do you want any more such times?" "Be Gorrah," cried my big Irish friend, "that's so: I rimimber it well.

Now, Larry, ye moost rimimber the owld cockatoo `Ally Sloper' wor alriddy oop there aloft; an' whin the burrd says Jocko makin' fur him, he oop stick, or rayther oop wid his crist an' flies down roight atop ov Tom's hid, shraykin' out, `Say-rah, Say-rah! as loud as the divvle could bawl. `Gyp' on this starts barkin' loike mad at the blissid cockatoo; whin down cooms Masther Jocko fur to have his share in the foight.

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