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As the reader uttered the words "was lost and is found" and ceased, each turned to the other with a whisper. Mrs Mair persisted in hers; and the other, which was odd enough, yielded and listened. "Wad the tale haud wi' lassies as weel 's laddies, Mistress Findlay, div ye think?" said Mrs Mair. "Ow, surely!" was the response; "it maun du that. There no respec' o' persons wi' him.

"Only, you see, cuckoo, I never tell anybody about what I see when I am with you." "No," replied the cuckoo; "better not. "No, I don't think I am," she replied. "But, cuckoo, isn't this sea awfully big?" "Pretty well," said the cuckoo. "Just half, or nearly half, the size of the moon; and, no doubt, Mr. Kneebreeches has told you that the moon's diameter and circumference are respec "

An' when the war began, we chased the bold Afghan, An' we made the bloomin' Ghazi for to flee, boys O! An' we marched into Kabul, an' we tuk the Balar 'Issar An' we taught 'em to respec' the British Soldier. Barrack Room Ballad. Mulvaney, Ortheris and Learoyd are Privates in B Company of a Line Regiment, and personal friends of mine.

When the eyes of the family group were fixed upon him, Solomon's courage failed. "Nothin'," he said hastily. "Nothin' at all." "Why, what ails the boy?" exclaimed his mother. "I tell ye now, Solomon," said his grandmother, with an emphatic nod, "ye hed better respec' yer elders, an' a sign in the house!" Solomon slept little that night. Toward day he began to dream of the warping-bars.

It's hard work, too, an' I've obsarved that the men who get most gold at the diggin's are not the diggers but the storekeepers, an' a bad lot they are, many of 'em, though I'm bound to say that I've knowed a few as was real honest men, who kep' no false weights or measures, an' had some sort of respec' for their Maker.

Bofe sich fine gemmen! Nowdays," he concluded, "dey go to cou't wid dey diff'ences, an' when it's all over de neighbors say: 'My! Who'd ever thought dem men wuz sich skallawags! De cou'ts may be all right in dey way, Marse Bob, but dey suttenly do strip a man of his se'f respec'." The Colonel came out drawing on his gloves. He made a striking figure in his riding togs.

"Yes; an' I wan' tersay thish to you, because I'm your fr'en'. Don' wan' anny fr'en's mine get fooled on women! See? Thash how I feel. I respec' the sect! See! Women, lovely women! See? Respec' sect! Gimme y'han', buzzer er brother Quar'er! Your m' fr'en'; I'm your fr'en'. I know how it is. Gotter wife m'own. Rotten one. Stingy! Takes money outter m' pockets. Dam 'stravagant.

Ain't dat Injun got no respec' for who I is?" "I don't believe he knows who you really are, Wash," chuckled Jack, whose wounded hand was now so much better that it did not keep him from handling his rifle in a way to make old Andy proud of his pupil's marksmanship. "Can dat be a posserbility?" demanded Wash, vainly. "Ain't dey nebber hearn tell ob me, d'yo s'pose, Massa Jack?"

"What you want?" he asked. "What you mean? Slingin' criticism ever since you came on this ship! What you mean by it? Heh? What you mean?" Staniford rose, and Lydia gave a start. He cast an angry look at her. "Do you think I'd hurt him?" he demanded. Hicks went on: "Sorry, very sorry, 'larm a lady, specially lady we all respec'. But this particular affair. Touch touches my honor.

'Which the amount for corkage is cruel, said the waiter as he delivered his order at the office. 'My word, and what an appetite! But I done him an injustice in one respec'. He do seem to be every inch a gentleman. So the waiter's verdict, after all, sounded much the same as Miss Lapenotiere's.