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Updated: August 6, 2024

But just before they played their last triumphant game in the League, and when they were feeling their oats and acting as rambunctious and as bumptious as a crowd of almost undefeated boys sometimes chooses to be, they received a challenge that caused them to laugh long and loud.

I hope that hateful old squire never shows his ugly 'phiz-mahogony' in Dalton again." "Do you think Ralph is much hurt?" Dorothy inquired anxiously. "Wasn't it disgraceful?" "Perfectly rambunctious!" declared Tavia, "although it might have been jolly good fun if Ralph had another fellow in his place one not quite so careful of the squire's feelings and features.

"Very," sighed Cecilia. "And my poor little machine! Jack, how can I ever " "You can never," he insisted with a wink. "I never saw such a rambunctious ram. Didn't he ramify, though?" "What in the world was it?" asked Cecilia. She was sitting on the grass and seemed almost prepared to laugh. "I thought I must be seeing things. Then I " "Felt things," said Jack.

"And yet, do you know, Bishop, I've thought that he might mean us to save ourselves against this Gentile persecution. Sometimes I find it hard to control myself." The Bishop grinned appreciatively. "So I heer'd. The Lute of the Holy Ghost got too rambunctious back in the States on the subject of our wrongs. And so they called you back from your mission?"

This heaven where the gods live, turns into as many different signs, and sometimes into the Ram: therefore, whoever is born under that sign will own many flocks and much wool, a hard head, a shameless brow, and a sharp horn. A great many school-teachers and rambunctious butters-in are born under that sign."

Tunk's conscience revived suddenly and seemed to put its hand over his mouth. "Joe Beach is goin' to be a doctor," Tunk went on presently. "I advised him to study medicine," Trove answered. "He's gone off t' school at Milldam an' is workin' like a beaver. He was purty rambunctious 'til you broke him to lead." They rode then to the foot of the hill in silence.

An' if we get rambunctious an' stir 'em up in the dark, an' don't put the finishin' to 'em right then an' there why, they got all the show in the world t' make a hot-foot getaway. Sabe? While I ain't lookin' for a chance t' sidestep the game, for I know how yuh feel, I'd say locate 'em if we can, an' then back up a little and wait for day." "Oh, I know, I know!" Mac burst out. "That's sense.

"Kit, you're a dormouse," said Kingdon; "I believe you'd like to sleep half the year." "'Deed I wouldn't. Just because I don't like rambunctious play doesn't mean I want to sleep all the time! Does it, Father?" "Not a bit of it. But you children must 'like what you like' and not comment on others' 'likes. See?" "Yes, sir," said King, understanding the kindly rebuke.

Don't see nothin' t' do, except t' make you th' messenger." Whitey was delighted. "Where is the T Up and Down?" he asked. "'Bout a hunderd an' fifteen miles no'thwest o' here, t'other side o' Zumbro Creek," Bill answered. "Good!" cried Whitey. "I'll take Injun, and " "Wouldn't do that," Bill objected. "Dan hates Injuns, an' he'd sure be rambunctious 'bout this one."

I never see 'em so rambunctious afore. But I hung on yere, hidin' out, cause I didn't hev nowhar else ter go. An' yisterday, just ahead o' the blizzard, a Kiowa buck drifted in yere. Slipped down the bluff, an' caught me 'fore ever I saw him. Never laid eyes on the red afore but he wus friendly 'nough, natch'ally mistakin' me fer one o' Le Fevre's herders.

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