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An' so, feelin' friendly all roun' that-a-way, we thought we'd leave Sonny to pick his church when he got ready, an' then they wouldn't be nothin' to undo or do over in case he went over to the 'Piscopals, which has the name of revisin' over any other church's performances though sence we've turned 'Piscopals we've found out that ain't so.

Wall, of course, if we had a fair in that meetin' house, we couldn't have it in such a lookin' place to disgrace us in the eyes of Baptists and 'Piscopals. No, that meetin' house had got to be scraped, and we wimmen had got to do the scrapin' with case knives. It wuz a hard job.

"I know about predestination," cried Lovey Mary, eagerly. "Miss Bell used to tell us all those things." "Who did?" Lovey Mary flushed crimson. "A lady I used to know," she said evasively. Miss Viny crossed the garden, and stopped before a bed of stately lilies and azaleas. "These are 'Piscopals," she explained. "Ain't they tony? Jes look like they thought their bed was the only one in the garden.

Them's fur Cat'lics and 'Piscopals and fur warriors and the Mennonites don't favor war! Unyforms yet!" he laughed. "I'm swanged if that don't tickle me!" "I stand corrected. I beg pardon if I've offended," Fairchilds said hastily. "Miss Matilda I hope I've not hurt your feelings? Believe me, I did not mean to."

The first any way lively interest he ever seemed to take in religious services was at the 'Piscopals, Easter Sunday. When he seen the lilies an' the candles he thess clapped his little hands, an' time the folks commenced answerin' back he was tickled all but to death, an' started answerin' hisself on'y, of co'se he 'd answer sort o' hit an' miss.

This is the story of character, in the form of dramatic monologue. There is only one speaker, but we know by his words that another is present and can infer his part in the conversation. This story has the additional values of humor and local color. Copyright, 1896, by The Century Co. Yas, sir, wife an' me, we've turned 'Piscopals all on account o' Sonny.

I never ast her why she didn't sen' for our own preacher. I knowed then ez well ez ef she'd 'a' told me why she done it all on account o' Sonny bein' so tickled over the 'Piscopals' meetin's.

He was wet ez a drownded rat, but wife rubbed him off an' give him some hot tea an' he come a-snuggin' up in my lap, thess ez sweet a child ez you ever see in yo' life, an' I talked to him ez fatherly ez I could, told him we was all 'Piscopals now, an' soon ez his little foot got well I was goin' to take him out to Sunday-school to tote a banner all his little 'Piscopal friends totes banners an' thet he could pick out some purty candles for the altar, an' he 'lowed immejate thet he'd buy pink ones.

There's Camerons I wadna go bail for, if Prince Charlie could come again; but let that flea stick to the wa'. And the McFarlanes arena exactly papist noo; the twa last generations hae been 'Piscopals that's ane step ony way towards the truth. Luther mayna be John Knox, but they'll win up to him some time, dootless they will." "How old is young McFarlane?" asked James.

When he wasn't no mo' 'n three year old we commenced a-takin' him round to church wherever they held meetin's, 'Piscopals, Methodists or Presbyterians, so's he could see an' hear for hisself. I ca'yed him to a baptizin' over to Chinquepin Crik, once-t, when he was three. I thought I'd let him see it done an' maybe it might make a good impression; but no, sir! The Baptists didn't suit him!