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Them's fur Cat'lics and 'Piscopals and fur warriors and the Mennonites don't favor war! Unyforms yet!" he laughed. "I'm swanged if that don't tickle me!" "I stand corrected. I beg pardon if I've offended," Fairchilds said hastily. "Miss Matilda I hope I've not hurt your feelings? Believe me, I did not mean to."

In the Morming settlements, we kin swop our unyforms for suthin' else, an' the berra too. Es to the knepsacks an' cartridge-box, I guess as how I inteend to make a spec on them ere two articles." "Fwhat! a pair ov soger knapsacks, an' an owld kyarthridge-box! They wuldn't fitch the worth ov dhrinks apaice." "Theer your mistaking, Mister Tigg. Preehaps they'll swop better'n you think.

They wear the garb to make 'em look UNbecomin'! And he ups and tells her it's becomin' yet! That's a choke, Teacher! One on you, ain't? That there cap's to hide the hair which is a pride to the sek! And that cape over the bust is to hide woman's allurin' figger. See? And you ups and tells her it's a becomin' UNYFORM! Unyforms is what New Mennonites don't uphold to!

Old Singleton, lost in the serene regions of fiction, read on unheeding. Charley, pitiless with the wisdom of youth, squeaked: "If you want brass buttons for your new unyforms I've got two for you." The filthy object of universal charity shook his fist at the youngster. "I'll make you keep this 'ere fo'c'sle clean, young feller," he snarled viciously. "Never you fear.