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Updated: August 19, 2024

"In the Groceries?" she said softly; and, taking 'Passion and Paregoric' from the table, added: "And so you'll lend me this, dear Auntie? Good-bye!" and went away. James left almost immediately after; he was late as it was. When he reached the office of Forsyte, Bustard and Forsyte, he found Soames, sitting in his revolving, chair, drawing up a defence.

"I say!" chattered the Monkey to himself, "there is something wrong here. They must have given me paregoric to make me sleep, and then have put me in a box and carted me down to some other part of the store. I'm sure the Calico Clown must have had a hand in this. He and his jokes and riddles about what makes more noise than a pig under a gate! I'll fix him when I get out of here!"

Of new foods he imported molasses at 35c. per gallon, oranges at 2c. each, which he seems to have sold only one by one, sugar at 6c., tobacco at 12c., alum, tea at 85c., salt at $1 per bushel, pepper, all-spice, raisins, salt-peter, pearlash, castile soap, hard soap, paregoric, ginger, logwood, vitriol, cinnamon, snuff, sulphur, cloves, mustard, opium, coffee, loaf sugar, watermelons, and seeds for beets, lettuce, parsnips.

Owen measured his whiskey, and poured it into a tall glass, explaining as she did so that a friend of hers in Louisville kept her supplied out of the stores of the Pendennis Club. "It's off the wood. This bottled drug-store whiskey is poison. I'd just as lief take paregoric. I drew this from my own 'bar'l' this morning. Don't imagine I'm a heavy consumer. A 'bar'l' lasts me a long time.

I've been in politics for thirty years, Ross, with my fair share of good luck and bad, but I've never been up against the equal of this. It's it's " He broke off in despair of adequate characterization. "Brace up, brace up. You need a brandy and soda." "I've had two." "Then take a glass of milk," rallied Shelby; "paregoric, boneset tea, anything. I'm ashamed of you." Bowers smiled wanly.

It seems hardly likely, does it, that the horse would actually try to eat a child?" "The man that sold him to me didn't mention that he was fond of babies." "But he got over the attack. The only effect was that the paregoric or the electricity, or something, turned his hair all the wrong way, and he looks the queerest you ever saw. Oh yes; it did seem to affect his appetite, too.

"And you're ready to take pap and paregoric from the first that come along, you infants!" "You're showing yourself now, Duke Thornton!" shouted Niles. "You've used us like you'd use school-boys for fifty years, but you ain't dared to brag of it till now!" Thornton strode out from among them. He tossed his big arms as though ridding himself of annoying insects.

It is very unsafe to resort to essence of ginger, paregoric, spirits of lavender or burnt brandy, and friends very injudiciously, sometimes, recommend remedies that are dangerous in the extreme. We saw one man driven into insanity by his employer recommending him a preparation of rhubarb, in Jamaica spirits, which he took with many misgivings, because, six years before he had been a drunkard.

A child is subject to a slight cough during dentition called by nurses "tooth-cough" which a parent would not consider of sufficient importance to consult a doctor about: pray tell me, is there any objection to a mother giving her child a small quantity either of syrup of white poppies, or of paregoric, to ease it?

If, for the first two days of a bad cold, the child is kept in bed, the room being at a temperature of 60°, with no extra covering on the bed, but a flannel jacket for the child to wear when it sits up in bed to play, a few drops of ipecacuanha wine several times a day, a warm bath, a linseed poultice to the chest, and a little paregoric at night, with a light diet of rice, and arrowroot, and milk, and a roasted apple, and some orange juice; nine times out of ten, or nineteen out of twenty, the cold will pass away with small discomfort to the child and no anxiety to the parents.

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