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Updated: August 27, 2024

I upset the stool, tilted the ink-bottle over the invoice-book, sent the poker almost through the back of the fireplace, and smashed Tom Whyte's best whip on the back of the `noo 'oss, as I galloped him over the plains for the last time all for joy, because I'm going with you, Charley, my darling!" Here Harry suddenly threw his arms round his friend's neck, meditating an embrace.

He swore with an oath that he'd compel her to drink, but suddenly changed his mind and drank it himself. "Now, Tot, tell father all about your visit to Miss Stivergill. She's very rich eh?" "Oh! awfully," replied Tottie, who felt an irresistible drawing to her father when he condescended to speak to her in kindly tones. "Keeps a carriage eh?" "No, nor a 'oss not even a pony," returned the child.

"The train must ha' been poonctual," went on Bainton, staring stolidly at the shining water. "Amazin' poonctual for once in its life. For a one 'oss fly, goin' at a one 'oss fly pace, 'as jes' passed through the village, and is jiggitin' up to the Manor this very minute. I s'pose Miss Vancourt's inside it." Walden paused, punt-pole in hand. "Yes, I suppose she is," he rejoined.

Then I dragged his corp into a ditch by the road, and galloped orf on m' oss as quick as I cud go back to Southberry. There I stayed all night, sayin' as I'd bin turned back by the storm from riding over to Beorminster. Nex' day I come back to m' hotel, and a week arter I paid m' rent to Sir 'Arry with the notes I'd stole.

Old John was unusually silent upon this morning of the trial, and when he named the weights at which the horses would gallop, his voice sank to a sepulchral whisper. "The old 'oss is giving six pounds," he said, "he should be beat a length. If it's more, go cautious, miss, and save your money for another day.

Before the man could recognise him, Mosk had jumped off his horse; and, at close quarters, had shot Jentham through the heart. 'He fell in the mud like a 'eap of clothes, said Mosk, 'so I jus' tied up the 'oss to the sign-post, an' went through his pockets. I got the cash a bundle of notes, they wos and some other papers as I found.

Why, if you was to give that 'oss ten feeds of corn a day he'd take an' eat 'em all out clean wouldn't leave a hoat! And legs. Them's not legs! them's slips of gutta-percher an' steel! To be sure he'll fetch a hawful price at the 'ammer four 'underd, five 'underd, I shouldn't wonder why he's worth all the money to look at.

He leant well over the bulwark, and his cheery old face beamed as he bellowed "Ahoy, you there that it's me pleasure to be runnin' against so far from me old country. Will you have it hot, or will you have it the other way for a parcel of cold-livered lubbers? By the Old 'Un, how's that for salt 'oss!"

Kennedy, senior, pulled up, dismounted, and ran with an expression of some anxiety on his countenance to the help of his son, while Tom Whyte came out of the stable just in time to receive the "noo 'oss" as he floundered out of the snow. "I believe," said the groom, as he surveyed the trembling charger, "that your son has broke the noo 'oss, sir, better nor I could 'ave done myself."

However, Bromley races came on some time after the sale of my Dreadnought.... The next morning my groom came with a look of astonishment that seemed to have kept him awake all night, and said, "You'll be surprised to hear, sir, that our 'oss has won a fifty-pound prize at Bromley, and a pot of money besides in bets for his owner." "Won a prize!" said I. "Was it by standing on his head?"

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