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Updated: August 26, 2024

"It will be difficult to argue, then, for there iss no argument in it at all. It is only a statement of opeenion." "Well, but surely it is possible to controvert your opinion! Besides, we are somewhat exposed where we stand. Even an arrow might reach us from the near bank." "Never you fear, Tan. They will not be so foolish as to fire now, instead of attack at night. They are sly whatever."

"No, sir; she's a niece the daughter of a brother o' mine who hes feathered his nest petter than me. He's a well-to-do grocer in Oban, an' hes geen his bairn a pretty good edication; but it's my opeenion they hev all but killed her wi' their edication, for the doctor has telt them to stop it altogither, an' send her here for a change o' air." "Indeed!

Noo, lad, though I'm no a minister, my advice to ye is, to gang doon into the hidy-hole an' pray aboot this matter. Niver mind the folk ye find there. They're used to prayin'. It's my opeenion that if there was less preachin' an' mair prayin', we'd be a' the better for 't. It's a thrawn warld we live in, but we're bound to mak' the best o't."

When the girl assented, he asked, with the indignation of the privileged, "Then what for are ye sac keen this body Stocks should win in? If Maister Lewie's fond o' ye, wad it no be wiser like to wark for him? Poalitics! What should a woman's poalitics be but just the same as her lad's? I hae nae opeenion o' this clash about weemen's eddication."

"It's may be presumptous o' me tae differ frae him, and it wudna be verra respectfu' o' Saunders tae live aifter this opeenion. But Saunders wes aye thraun an' ill tae drive, an' he's as like as no tae gang his ain gait. "A'm no meanin' tae reflect on sae clever a man, but he didna ken the seetuation.

Moreover, what is to become o' Little Bill when we are fechtin'? It iss my opeenion that we put the command o' our expeedition in the hands of Okematan, an' leave him to do what he thinks best." "Arch-ee is a true brave," said the Indian, "but he is young. When the wrinkles of age are on his brow he will be a great chief.

"All that would be verra unpleasant, Tonald," said Dougall, with a humorous glance from the corners of his small grey eyes, "but I duffer with ye in opeenion." "You would duffer in opeenion with the Apostle Paul if he wass here," said the other, rising, as his pipe was by that time well alight, and resuming his work, "but we'll better obey Muster Lumley's orders than argufy about him."

The mester was richt stern when he heard o' that, quotin' frae Scripture in a solemn wy 'at abashed the masons, but he said 'at in his opeenion there was a bairn buried on the farm, an' till it was found the cradle would go on rockin'. After that the masons dug in a lot o' places lookin' for the body, an' they found some queer things, too, but never nae sign o' a murdered litlin'. Ay, I dinna ken what would hae happened if the commotion had gaen on muckle langer.

"'Deed, then, I'm unco sair afeard that your opeenion is no a'thegither that improbable," answered Sandy with a drawl of unusual solemnity. I was alone in my cell. Three years' imprisonment! Thirty-six months! one thousand and ninety-five days and twenty-four whole hours in each of them! Well I should sleep half the time: one-third at least. Perhaps I should not be able to sleep!

"I'll give you leave to do it if I deserve it" "It's no my duty, either as a soldier or as a valet. And, indeed, I've that opeenion of you, sir, that I don't think it'll need to be any one's else's duty either." And so did Mr. Bowie signify his approbation of the new family romance, and went off to assist Mrs. Clara in getting the trunks down stairs. Clara was in high dudgeon.

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