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Updated: August 18, 2024

Perhaps it wasn't known that I had been through that sort of thing before, only more so, and perhaps, being built on a fairly long and economical plan, I had a peculiar advantage in that kind of travel, but, at any rate, I felt that I had received a very high compliment, delicately expressed, when an old-timer in the party, with unnecessary calls on the Almighty, told me that I was a "musher from hell."

The Bald-faced Kid came also, alert as a fox, eager for any scrap of information which might be converted into coin. He shook his head reprovingly at Old Man Curry. "I didn't think you'd have the heart, old-timer," said he. "Honest to Pete, I didn't! Don't you care what happens to this horse or what?" "Son," said the patriarch simply, "I care a lot. I care a-plenty.

"Guess she's all she wants for the Foothills, anyway. What's the use?" he added, bitterly, talking to himself after the manner of men who live much alone. I waited for a moment, then said: "Well, I wouldn't hurry about doing anything," knowing well that the one thing an old-timer hates to do is to make any change in his mode of life. "Maybe he won't stay." He caught at this eagerly. "That's so!

The author of this is deadly afraid of being thought to brag of his adventures. He feels constantly on him the amusedly critical eye of the old-timer. When he comes to describe the first time a rhino dashed in his direction, he remembers that old hunters, who have been so charged hundreds of times, may read the book. Suddenly, in that light, the adventure becomes pitifully unimportant.

The possibility had grown to black certainty in his mind. He became suddenly furious. "Lord! I hope some kind friend'll lead me out an' knock me in the head, if ever I get locoed over any darned girl!" "Same here," agreed Rowdy, unmoved. "Then your days are sure numbered in words uh one syllable, old-timer," snapped Pink.

"So you 'n' me is pardners till I say when. We'll clean up some real jack together. Minin' ain't in it, no more, with hootch runnin' if yuh play it right. The good old White Mule goes under the wire, old-timer, an' takes the money. Burros is extinct." "Burros ain't any extincter than what you'll be when I git through with yuh," gritted Casey savagely, shutting off the gas.

"I've been building film West to order for four years now, and more. Only fun I've had, and the best work I've done, I did with a bunch of Indians I've just taken back to their reservation. For the rest, it's mostly bunk." "Not that stage-driver picture," Andy dissented. "There wasn't any bunk about that, old-timer. That was some driving!" "Some driving, yes. Sure, it was.

Sometimes the affair came to an issue at this point. Chisum, who was an old-timer in the country and had fought Comanches all along the river before others had dared to drive up the trail, produced a bill of sale for sixty rebranded cattle which the Texan's vaqueros had cut out. John Slaughter allowed his tight lips to relax in a grim smile.

"This job ain't none too easy, as it is," he complained. "As a writer I'm a first-rate cow hand. Lemme take your knife to sharpen this pencil with. When I asked the sheriff for a stub of a pencil he took me at my word." "Sure I'll let you have my knife," said the jailer sarcastically. "How about my gun want that, too?" "Oh, come on, old-timer," pleaded Rathburn.

Recollecting that Beattie had told him the man had been dead twenty years, he hastily corrected himself. "That is, not exactly. Not personally." "Uh!" said Musq'oosis. "I thought I'd ask you, you're such an old-timer." "Um!" said Musq'oosis again. There was nothing in this so far to arouse his suspicions. But on principle he disliked to answer questions.

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