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He did not see the Lynx but saw the tracks. The same old-timer is authority for a case in which the tables were turned. A Desert Indian on the headwaters of the Gatineau went out in the early spring looking for Beaver. At a well-known pond he saw a Lynx crouching on a log, watching the Beaver hole in the ice. The Indian waited.

The Sergeant was not the modern educated non-com, with an eye to a commission, but an old-timer, unlearned in books, but an expert in handling men and horses. "What is it, Sergeant?" asked the C. O. "Just this, sir," replied the Sergeant respectfully, "I was thinkin' a man ought to be mighty keerful when he picks out a wife."

You know the number, Frank." "You mean well, old-timer," said the Kid; "and your heart's in the right place, but you you don't understand." "No, and how can I 'less you open up and tell me what's the matter? If you've done anything wrong " "Forget it!" said the Kid shortly. "You're barking up the wrong tree. I'm trying to figure out how to do right!"...

But he was out and in and off again in ten seconds, upbraiding me like an old-timer. Said the inspector, stepping out at last and surely offering a prayer of thanks to his patron saint: "You're pretty reckless yet on corners, my friend." But he scribbled his O.K. The written examination in the City Hall Mr. Todd passed with high honours.

He tugged at the bag and made believe to Silver that his sole trouble was with his pillow. "By cripes, that damn' jelly glass digs right into my ear," he complained aloud, to help along the deception. "You go back, old-timer I'm all right. I'm a rell ole cowpuncher; ain't I, old-timer? We're makin' a dry-camp, just like Happy Jack.

To Sanborn, who had finished his job and was straddling wide-legged toward the group, Kirby threw up a hand of greeting. "Good work, old-timer. You're sure hellamile on a bronc." "Kirby Lane on Wild Fire," shouted the announcer. Lane slid from the fence and reached for his saddle. As he lounged forward, moving with indolent grace, one might have guessed him a Southerner.

"Well, son," said he gently, "it would depend a lot on which the fellow cared the most for the race track or the girl." The Kid flung the cigarette from him and looked up, meeting the old man's eyes for the first time. "I beat you to it, old-timer! Win or lose, I'm through at the end of this meeting. There's a fellow over in Butte just about my age.

He thought one experience should be enough for any man. While we were talking, a very old, bearded man rode in on a horse. He was Pat Lynch, the owner of the little ranch by the river. He was a real old-timer, having been in Brown's Park when Major Powell was surveying that section of the country. He told us that he had been hired to get some meat for the party, and had killed five mountain sheep.

But I sure feel like grinnin'. Watch yourself, old-timer; they're tryin' to flirt with ye." Pedro, mindful of watchful eyes, turned his gaze to Tim's face before allowing himself to smile. Then he laughed. "Do not fear," he said. "My heart is still my own." "Same here.

In another minute he would be able to feed it with branches the size of his wrist, and then he could remove his wet foot-gear, and, while it dried, he could keep his naked feet warm by the fire, rubbing them at first, of course, with snow. The fire was a success. He was safe. He remembered the advice of the old-timer on Sulphur Creek, and smiled.