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He sees a chance to get back at you." Douglas finished his bacon thoughtfully. "All right," he said finally; "let 'em come. I'm waiting." "Well," said Grandma briskly, "I didn't come up here to give advice. I wanted a gossip with an old-timer. Mr. Fowler, you was up in Mountain City when that Black Sioux outbreak took place. Did you know Emmy Blake, she that was stolen by old Red Feather?"

Whereat Big Medicine gave a bellowing haw-haw-haw and choked it suddenly when he saw that the Kid desired him to take the criticism seriously. "All right, Buck," he acceded humbly, winking openly at the Native Son. "I'll try m'best, old-timer. Trouble with me is, I never had nobody to learn me how to handle a hoss." "Well, you've got me, now," Buck returned calmly.

"Much too fine for an old-timer like me," replied Wade. "Old-timer! Say, you're young yet. Look at me. Sixty-eight last birthday! Wal, every dog has his day.... What're you needin' to fix this bunk comfortable like?" "Reckon I don't need much." "Wal, you've beddin' an' cook outfit. Go get a table, an' a chair an' a bench from thet first cabin. The boys thet had it are gone.

Riding by stage was not new to Pan, though he had never before taken more than a day's journey. The stage driver, Jim Wells, was an old-timer. He had been a pony-express rider, miner, teamster and freighter, and now, grizzled and scarred he liked to perch upon the driver's seat of the stage, chew tobacco and talk. His keen eyes took Pan's measure in one glance.

In answer to the stereotyped preliminaries he stated that his name was that of his father's, a descendant of the coureurs du bois. His mother with a shrug of the shoulders and flash of teeth was a breed. He was born somewhere in the Barrens, on a hunting trip, he did not know where. Ah, oui, men called him an old-timer.

The Kid wriggled uncomfortably in the saddle and glanced at the narrow-browed face of H. J. Owens, who was looking this way and that at the enfolding hills and scowling abstractedly. The Kid was only six, but he was fairly good at reading moods and glances, having lived all his life amongst grown-ups. "It's a pretty far ways to them baby bear cubs," he remarked. "I bet you're lost, old-timer.

Well good luck to all the boys till I see them again in the sweet by and by. Dave P.S. Get this money order cashed old-timer and pay the boys what I borrowed when we hit the trail after Miller and Doble. I lit out to sudden to settle. Five to Steve and five to Buck. Well so long. Dave

"An up-to-date feller like you, Kleebaum, is different already from an old-timer like me. I got a wife, Kleebaum, and also I don't carry a whole lot of insurance neither, y'understand." "Come off, Potash!" Kleebaum cried. "I rode myself in oitermobiles already millions of times and I ain't never been hurted yet." "Some people's got all the luck, Kleebaum," Abe replied.

Yuh take my advice, Buck, an' try the Rockin'-R. They's a nice bunch there." Buck swung himself easily into the saddle; "I'll think about it," he smiled, gathering up the reins. "Well, so-long; see you in a day or so, anyway. Thanks for helping me out, old-timer." He loosened the reins, and the roan took the trail at a canter.

You're a little early for the season, but I'll see that yuh have something t' do just t' keep yuh out uh devilment." Rowdy's brows unbent; it would seem that Eagle Creek was capable of "joshing" also. "It's up t' you, old-timer," he retorted. "I'm strong and willing, and don't shy at anything but pitchforks." Eagle Creek grinned. "This ain't no blamed cowhospital," he gave as a parting shot.