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Brown is clean discouraged. I see her sittin' on a barrel in the grocery store, 'n' it was a molasses barrel 'n' some 'd run out, but she hadn't no heart to care. She says 't Henry Ward Beecher never budged last night, 'n' so far from that bein' a relief, it led to worse 'n ever, for old Dr. Carter 'n' young Dr. Brown got so hungry observin' 't they went downstairs, 'n' young Dr.

"Livin' under the ground, like a rabbit in a burrow with every chance of 'avin' 'is 'ead blowed off if 'e looks up over the edge. I've 'ad enough o' dug-outs an' observin' from the trenches, an' Coal-Box dodgin' to last me a bit, an' it's a pleasant change to be ridin' a decent 'orse on a most indecent apology for a road, an' not a Jack Johnson in sight, even if they are in 'earing."

This may be a preparation for something of the sort. He moved along, and the lad flattened himself again against the side of the wet trench. A word from a man near him turned him round. . . . a 'tillery Observin' Officer comin'. P'raps our guns are goin' for 'em at last. The gunner officer stumbled along the trench towards them.

He nodded shortly. "Better go down there," he said. "Come on, Merry. Tim, stick here and keep an eye on the stuff. And don't start another war while we're gone." "Right, Cap." Tim deftly swung his rifle to his right shoulder. "I'll walk me post in a military manner, keepin' always on the alert and observin' everything that takes place within sight or hearin', accordin' to Gin'ral Order Number Two.

She says, besides, 't she hasn't no scraps to feed 'em since he's come, 'n' so the knife cuts two ways. She's mighty glad that the observin' 's goin' to begin to-night, f'r she says she's prayin' Heaven for relief but she ain't got much faith left. Mr.

After a bit 'e comes out an' tells me to come on wi' him up to the Observation Post. You know what that Observin' Post of ours is. The F.O. 'as a fond de-looshun that the Germs can't see you when you leave the support trench an' dodge up the wreckage of that hedge to the old house; but I 'ave my own opinions about it.

She was a beautiful-looking woman, and so pretty-behaved; quiet, but observin'. I never saw a man age as William's father has; it made my heart ache when I first caught sight of him driving into the yard last night." "He revived up conversin' with you an' makin' such a good hearty tea," suggested Marilla, disappearing in the pantry.

"Entomology must be an awful interest-in' study, though I never thought of observin' words myself, kept to avoid vulgar language an' profanity." "Husshon's a cur'ous word for a man," inter-jected Bill Dunham with a last despairing effort. "I remember seein' a Husshon once that "

He refers them to the cook, yesterday my master " "Yes, an' Retallick nearly had a fit. What a truthful an' observin' little Antonio we 'ave!" "'It is discovered in the hands of a boy who says, and they do not rebuke him, that he has found it by hazard. I'm afraid I haven't translated quite correctly, Mr. Pyecroft, but I've done my best."

The abov is a correct report of the story as I heern it I only heern the naims, fancy has supplide the rest. P.S. I larfed all the wa home; observin witch severil peple gave me the hole walk, evidently taking me for a hilarious loonatic. A. Ward will shortly lecshoor on Asstronmy, I heer, partickly upon the Konstlashun ov the Suthern Cross, which he portends he found out to be a MULATTO.