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Chirpy Cricket had a great curiosity to know who made those queer noises. He asked everybody he met about them. And at last Kiddie Katydid told him that it was Mr. Nighthawk that he had heard. "He seems to think he's a musician," said Chirpy Cricket. "But I must say I don't care much for his music. He's not what you might call a steady player. And his notes are not shrill enough for my liking.

But Nighthawk soon overcame their reluctance, whether traditional or otherwise. With a fury nothing less than demoniacal he fell upon the animals next him and inspired them with such terror that, plunging forward, they carried the bunch crowding through the door.

The nighthawk circled overhead in the sunny afternoons for I sometimes made a day of it like a mote in the eye, or in heaven's eye, falling from time to time with a swoop and a sound as if the heavens were rent, torn at last to very rags and tatters, and yet a seamless cope remained; small imps that fill the air and lay their eggs on the ground on bare sand or rocks on the tops of hills, where few have found them; graceful and slender like ripples caught up from the pond, as leaves are raised by the wind to float in the heavens; such kindredship is in nature.

And some day we perchance find the two dirt colored eggs on the bare ground, or the tiny young, like bits of rabbit fur, with only the earth beneath them and the sky above them, apparently as deserted and destitute as Romulus and Remus; and all this adds wonderfully to our interest in this strange bird, which is so common in the June woods. The whip-poor-will is much like the nighthawk.

You, sir she added were an "empty-headed fool," the idea of her "loving" you was absurd! but you were wealthy; immensely wealthy; had made a will leaving her your entire property; if you died suddenly on your wedding night, she and himself would possess Fonthill, and live in affluence. "'Go on, I said. "'At these words, continued Nighthawk, 'I could see the man turn pale.

Carolyn June interrupted with a pout. "I I guess you're not the only one, Mister 'Nighthawk, that knows the way to the heart of a horse! If you were just as wise about " but she stopped, her blush hidden as she turned her back to the rising moon. "They was made for each other!" the Ramblin' Kid muttered to himself.

"When, I am afraid, he will not see you, Nighthawk you are wanted." And I explained my errand. Nighthawk sighed it was easy to see that he was much disappointed. "Well, colonel," he said, in a resigned tone, "I must give up my private business duty calls. I will be ready in a moment."

But he has one peculiar habit: he won't grab you unless you're moving through the air. He always takes his food on the wing." Chirpy thanked his friend Kiddie Katydid for this valuable bit of news. And he said he'd be sure to remember it. "Well," Kiddie Katydid observed, "if you forget it when you meet Mr. Nighthawk you'll forget it only once. For he'll grab you quick as a flash."

"I wish to have a conversation with you, my dear Swartz, before arresting you." "Ah! you intend to arrest me!" "Unless you make it unnecessary." "How?" "By producing the paper which we spoke of in the Wilderness," said Nighthawk, briefly. Swartz shook his head. "That is not in my power, my friend. I did not bring it with me."

By this time even the policeman seemed doubtful. He glanced askance at the detective and shuffled uneasily. As for the cabby, who had blustered in at first with intent to demand his due in no uncertain terms, apparently Maitland's bearing, coupled with the inherent contempt and hatred of the nighthawk tribe for the minions of the law, had won his sympathies completely.