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"But when the letter's mailed to ol' Morton in Frisco, 'e comes down on the nex' steamer, an' carries a gun to kill Llewellyn, an' tells everybody 'at Llewellyn dragged his nephew to 'ell, an' M'seer Lontane takes 'is gun away when Llewellyn meets 'im in Lovaina's porch, an' 'e pulls the gun, an' the Dummy stops 'im, and Llewellyn grabs a knife off the table.

Dat thing didn't hab no haid en didn't hab no tale en looked lak hit wuz backin' up on all four legs. Nex mawnin' we could fin' no tracks ob whuteber hit wuz en de gate wuz also fasened." "Dis young peoples 'cordin' ter de Bible ez on de broad road ter ruin. Dey think dey ez as good as de white people but dey ez classed as niggahs in mah eyes." "Caint member any ob de ole songs now."

En Chloe showed 'im how ter git unner de house, en w'en he had put de cunjuh doll on de sill, he went 'long back ter de qua'ters en des waited. "Nex' day, sho' 'nuff, de goopher 'mence' ter wuk.

This is how it read: "judg lemond yer Dater iz wel and in Gud hans. You must gib 1000 dollars in Gold and She wil kum hum put Mony in Holler Tre whar Riber Bens 4 mile belo bridge-water nex Mundy Eve. If de Man Who Kums for de Gold gits shot or tuk yer Dater wil dy. "Sind Po Wite." Judge LeMonde was some time deciphering the note.

Brien," she said in desperation, "all time I jus' like that crazee way. One time one engineer big steamship come here, he ask me keep two thousan' dollar for him. I busy jus' like always, an' I throw behin' that couch I sit on. My God! he come back I fore-get where I put. One day we look hard. I suffer turribil, but the nex' day I move couch and find money. Was n't that funny?"

No more is Alphonsine Seguin scare. She's seventeen, an' she wait for de fight to be all over. Den she take her fader home, same like I'll take my fader home for bed. Dat's after twelve o'clock of night. "Nex' mawny early my fader he's groaned and he's groaned: 'Ah ugh I'm sick, sick, me. I'll be goin' for die dis time, for sure. "'You get up an' scoop some fish, my moder she's say, angry.

I tole him dat I did not blebe in doctors' physic; dey did not no what to do for babies. I tole him dat nex to de cider berry juice an' sugar rag, dat de Black Jack was de bes medcin dat I could use. He sed dat de Black Jack seldom failed. Missus, when dat gemman 'peared at my do, I thort dat he was a specalader, an' dat you was gwine to sell me." "No, Aunt Barbara," said Mrs.

If he gets me, he must get me quick. Th' nex' night about dusk he come saunterin' up th' sthreet, swingin' his club an' jokin with his frind, whin some wan shouted, 'Look out, Clancy. He was not quick enough. He died face forward, with his hands on his belt; an' befure all th' wurruld Jack Carey come across th' sthreet, an' put another ball in his head.

Curly gazed up at the ceiling reflectively. 'I takes my holiday. On occasions I brings up hivy, and berries, and 'olly, and hawks 'em round nex' day 'stead of horinges. 'I'd like to be you, said Bobby admiringly. 'Have you got a father? 'No, 'e was dead afore I were twelve months old. 'I've got two fathers, said Bobby proudly, 'and I especks you have one same as me. God is my Father.

They'll be askin' me to carry food to thim nex'. Oh, Chanse, oh, hivens, ye can't know how grieved I am! Rather wud I have perished in a logjam thin to've indured this ingratichood. But, in lookin' back over me past life, I can think iv no wrong I've done. If me mim'ry is at fault, please note. Me car-eer is an open book.