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Silence seemed to favor the change that was taking place for the better in Mat's temper. He looked up, after awhile, and regarded Zack with a rough wistfulness and anxiety working in his swarthy face. "I like you, Zack," he said, laying one hand on the lad's arm and mechanically stroking down the cloth of his sleeve. "I like you. Don't let us two part company.

Mat's resolution was taken the moment he caught sight of her. He never stirred an inch from his place of concealment, until she had advanced three or four paces into the room, and had her back turned full upon him.

'And above all, he oughtn't to think that the short cut to her heart is through his broad acres. 'Mat's right quite right!

The gentleman could not stand this, but laughed so heartily that the argument was fairly knocked up. It appeared, however, that Squire Johnston did not visit Mat's school from mere curiosity. "Mr. Kavanagh," said he, "I would be glad to have a little private conversation with you, and will thank you to walk down the road a little with this gentleman and me."

Having given our readers an imperfect sketch of the interior of Mat's establishment, we will now proceed, however feebly, to represent him at work with all the machinery of the system in full operation. Tim Casey, isn't this a purty hour o' the day for you to come into school at; arraix, and what kept you, Tim?

"And Electa joined the church at fourteen. I think you can trust Betty with her. To be sure, Mat's prospered beyond everything." Prosperity and every good gift came from the Lord, Mrs. Leverett fully believed. And yet David had seen the "ungodly in great prosperity." She had a mother's pride in Mr. and Mrs. King, but they were rather gay with dinner parties and everything.

By holding it close to the flame of the candle, he succeeded in reading the letters engraved on it. "M. G. In memory of S. G." "Mary Grice. In memory of Susan Grice." Mat's hand closed fast on the Bracelet and dropped heavily on his knee, as he uttered those words.

Such was Mat's soliloquy as he entered the school on his return. "Now, boys, I'm afther givin' yez to-day and to-morrow for a holyday: to-morrow we will have our Gregory;* a fine faste, plinty of poteen, and a fiddle; and you will tell your brothers and sisters to come in the evening to the dance.

'And you never told me, cried Miss Betty. 'No, indeed, nor herself neither; for after I turned it over in my mind, I began to see it wouldn't do 'How do you mean not do? asked Lockwood. 'Just let me finish. What I mean is this if a man wants to marry an Irish girl, he mustn't begin by asking leave to make love to her 'Mat's right! cried the old lady stoutly.

Mat's child will not be christened until you shall be pleased to indicate the time, place, manner, and name. I have promised Tom that he shall take me to Philadelphia if there be sleighing. The poor fellow is almost crazy about it. He is importuning all the gods for snow, but as yet they don't appear to listen to him. Your being in the ballette charms me.