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"Well, may God grant them happiness!" he murmured at last, as if to himself, and turned away his head. Liza reddened. "You are wrong, Fedor Ivanovich," she said; "you are wrong in thinking But don't you like Vladimir Ivanovich?" she asked suddenly. "No." "Why?" "I think he has no heart." The smile disappeared from Liza's lips.

He dropped his head, but kept, nevertheless, an artful look out of the corner of the eye which was alleged to be the measure of his sweetheart's affection. Thinking herself no longer under the fire of Robbie's glances, Liza's affectation of stern disdain melted into a look of tenderness. Robbie jerked his head up sharply. The little woman was caught.

Annie wasn't born till he was past sixty, and he like to 'a' lost his senses with joy. It was harvestin' time, and he jest stopped work and set on his front porch, and every time anybody passed by he'd holler, 'Well; neighbor, it's a gal this time! If I'd 'a' been in Ann 'Liza's place, I'd 'a' gagged him. But la! she thought everything he did was all right.

They hardly spoke at all through these evenings, for what had they to say to one another? Often without exchanging a word they would sit for an hour with their faces touching, the one feeling on his cheek the hot breath from the other's mouth; while at the end of the time the only motion was an upraising of Liza's lips, a bending down of Jim's, so that they might meet and kiss.

Madame Kalitine rang for the page, and told him to ask Liza to come down if her headache was better. At the sound of Liza's name, Panshine began to talk about self-sacrifice, and to discuss the question as to which is the more capable of such sacrifice man or woman.

The children began to clamour for the riding, which had been discontinued on Liza's approach. 'Are them your kids? she asked. 'Yus; them's two on 'em. ''Ow many 'ave yer got? 'Five; the eldest gal's fifteen, and the next one 'oo's a boy's twelve, and then there are these two and baby. 'Well, you've got enough for your money. 'Too many for me and more comin'.

"Poor old 'Liza!" he said, patting her neck and smoothing her gray coat, "poor old girl! Jim has one friend that hasn't gone back on him. I've come to keep Christmas with you, 'Liza! Had your supper, eh? You're in luck. I haven't; I wasn't bid, 'Liza; but never mind. You shall feed for both of us. Here goes!" He dug into the oats-bin with the measure, and poured it full into 'Liza's crib.

She would chat for hours, without thinking anything of it, with the chief of the village on her mother's estate, when he happened to come into town, and talk with him as if he were her equal, without any signs of seigneurial condescension. All this Lavretsky knew well. For his own part, he never would have cared to reply to Panshine; it was only for Liza's sake that he spoke.

But her surprise was soon changed to painful amazement, when she saw Marie, robed in black, alighting from the carriage, and holding Gracie by the hand. She caught sight of the drooping head and grief-stricken face, and rushed to her, exclaiming: "Whar's Marse Eugene?" "Dead," said Marie, falling into Mammy Liza's arms, sobbing out, "dead! died of yellow fever."

I've talked it all over and arranged it. That's what we've met for to-night ain't it, gents?" said Jud. "Sure sure," they all exclaimed. "Now, Joe, you mus' dry yo' tears an' become reconciled we've got a nice scheme fixed for you." "I'll never be reconciled never," wailed Joe. "Liza's dead an' I'm a grasshopper." "Now, wait till I explain to you but, dear, devoted friend, everything is ready.