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I feel it to be no presumption to add, that other respectable interests in the neighborhood will be with me. "I have the honor to be, "With great esteem and regard, "Yours most sincerely, "I mean to be in Stafford, from Lord G. Levison's, in about a fortnight." "Cavendish-Square, Sunday night,

"Archibald, I have a favor to ask you," she said, after Captain Levison's departure. "Take me back with you." "Impossible, my love. The change is doing you so much good; and I took the apartments for six weeks. You must at least remain that time." The color flowed painfully into her cheek. "I cannot stay without you, Archibald." "Tell me why." "I am so dull without you," was all she could say.

John Scott continued his confession by relating that he took the men down to Lone, disguised as countrymen, and led them to the castle grounds, where, lost in the great crowd that came to see the preparations for the wedding festivities, their presence as strangers was unnoticed; that at night he drugged the drink of the valet, stole the pass-key from his pocket, and through the secret passage under Malcolm's Tower he admitted the thieves into the castle, and by means of the valet's key passed them into Sir Lemuel Levison's bedroom.

What I think now is, that this Thorn must have paid a flying visit to the neighborhood that night to assist Captain Levison in the wicked work that he had on hand." "How strange it all sounds!" uttered Joyce. "And I never could tell my suspicions to Mr. Carlyle! I did not like to mention Francis Levison's name to him." Barbara soon returned down stairs. "I must be going home," she said to Mr.

Levison in no very amiable mood; but just as he was leaving the house, a cabriolet, beautifully painted, of a brilliant green colour picked out with a somewhat cream-coloured white, and drawn by a showy Holstein horse of tawny tint, with a flowing and milk-white tail and mane, and caparisoned in harness almost as precious as Mr. Levison's sideboard, dashed up to the door.

"Is he worse?" he exclaimed hastily, to Madame Vine, who was jacketed, and capped, and spectacled, and tied up round the throat, and otherwise disguised, in her universal fashion. "He appears worse this evening, sir more weak." "Papa," panted William, "is the trial over?" "What trial, my boy?" "Sir Francis Levison's." "It was over yesterday.

In the evening he would be ready to take her to the pier, but they sat apart, mixing not with the bustling crowd he lending to his manner, as he conversed with her, all that he would call up of fascination and fascination, such as Francis Levison's, might be dangerous to any ear, in the sweet evening twilight.

"Of course, if the child's life and health are in question: and, indeed, this climate is much too severe for her, and she certainly does need rousing; and as it has been three months now since Sir Lemuel Levison's funeral, I don't see But, of course, after all, it is for you and Salome to decide as you please;" answered Lady Belgrade, in a confused and hesitating manner, for when the dowager went outside of her conventionalities she lost herself.

The period came of Francis Levison's sojourn at East Lynne. Whilst I was there, Captain Thorn arrived once more, on a visit to the Herberts. We then strove to find out points of his antecedents, Mr. Carlyle and I, and we became nearly convinced that he was the man. I had to come here often to see Mr. Carlyle, for mamma did not dare to stir in the affair, papa was so violent against Richard.

The witness answered that he had received such; that his master had sent him with a message to his daughter, Miss Levison, requesting her to come to his room, as he wished to have a talk with her. He delivered his message through Miss Levison's maid, and returned to his master's room.