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"He wanted to go out for a cold plunge and a morning stroll, and then asked the sergeant where he could get a good riding horse. He's not so keen about strolls these days." "He don't turn up his nose at things like he used to, either." "I don't see why the devil he keeps so clean," grumbled Adams. "I can't." "I'll bet one thing," mused Rogers.

On some cold day, when the sun is shining, visit all the orchards of which you know, and see if in one or more you cannot find a good-sized, gray, black, and white bird, which keeps to the topmost branch of a certain tree. Look at him carefully through your glasses, and if his beak is hooked, like that of a hawk, you may know that you are watching a northern shrike, or butcher bird.

I'm not famous for my voice," admitted the boy. "Just so's you can sing something the cows like, it'll be all right," Steve told him. "If anything should happen, you have to sing. It keeps the cows from getting nervous." "Maybe if I sing it will make them nervous," suggested Walter, not so easily jollied. "You'd better learn Henery's song, here," said Steve.

'Rising. 'No it ain't. 'I guess I am right, sir. Yonder is some drift-wood floating down the stream. 'A rise starts the drift-wood, but then it keeps on floating a while after the river is done rising. Now the bank will tell you about this. Wait till you come to a place where it shelves a little.

For just a moment it was clear to Shenac how true this was how safe they are whom God keeps, how much better than a brother's love is the love divine, which does not shield from all suffering, but which most surely saves from all real evil. "Yes, Hamish," she said humbly, "I see it. But, oh, I am glad you are better again!" But was he really better?

Can't see why Judy keeps the house wrapped up in this awful slippery white stuff it's enough to give a fellow pneumonia to walk through these rooms on a cold day. You look a little pinched yourself, by the way: it's rather a sharp night out. I noticed it walking up from the club.

Delano was going out of the church just as Rose stepped into the vestibule. "So you are not going to join Dr. Bruce's volunteer company?" Mrs. Delano asked, in a queer tone that made Rose redden. "No, are you? It is simply absurd. I have always regarded that Raymond movement as fanatical. You know cousin Rachel keeps us posted about it."

Bannon is consumptive so far gone, it's a wonder he didn't die years ago: for months I've been haunted by the thought that it's only the evil in him keeps him alive.

But thou shalt live in thine own degraded identity, and shalt thyself be conscious how degraded thou art. Another suggestion might be that the words 'But be thyself are equivalent to 'Be but thyself. And ever at thy season be thou free To spill the venom when thy fangs o'erflow. This keeps up the image of the 'viperous' murderer the viper.

Suxberry keeps a coach. I assure you she's not at all like a schoolmistress, and she thinks it very rude and vulgar of any body to call her a schoolmistress. Won't you ask your mamma to send you, if it's only for the name of it, for one year, to Suxberry House?" "No," said Matilda; "we are so happy under the care of Mad. de Rosier." "Ah, dear me!