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Updated: August 13, 2024

"Lie doon an' rest, an' if it be the wull o' the Almichty a'll wauken ye in the mornin' tae see a livin' conscious man, an' if it be itherwise a'll come for ye the suner, Bell," and the big red hand went out to the anxious wife. "A' gie ye ma word." Bell leant over the bed, and at the sight of Saunders' face a superstitious dread seized her.

It'll no be lang noo, i' the natur o' things, till I gang til him; and sure am I his first word 'll be aboot the laddie: I wud ill like to answer him, "Archie, I ken naething aboot him but what I cud weel wuss itherwise!" Hoo wud ye like to gie sic an answer yersel, mem? 'I'm surprised at a man of your sense, Barclay, thinking we shall know one another in heaven!

At this sicht I began to grew a' ower, and now saw the needcessity of stapping ben, and saving my employer frae farther damage, bodily and itherwise. Nae sooner had I made my appearance than Donald let go his grip of Mr. Weft's nose, and the latter, in a great passion, cried out, "William M'Gee, I tak ye to witness what I hae sufferit frae this bluid-thirsty Heelandman!

But, father, gien Francie come back wi' the same tale I dinna think he wull efter what I telled him, but he may what wud ye hae me say til 'im? 'Say what ye wull, lassie, sae lang as ye dinna lat him for a moment believe there's a grain o' possibility i' the thing. Ye see, Kirsty, 'Ye dinna imagine, father, I cud for ae minute think itherwise aboot it nor ye du yersel!

Upon one occasion, in reply to some of his self upbraidings, she said, "I think, Robert, you're ow're hard on yoursel' now, when ye tak the blame o' puir Susie's death; ye surely canna think itherwise than the dear bairn's time had come; an' had we bided at hame it would ha' been a' the same; for we dinna leeve an' dee by chance, and the bounds o' our lives are set by Him who kens a' things."

"But how suld ye ken?" cried Rose, scornfully throwing herself down into her seat again. "He ca'ed himsel' Mr. John Scott. Mr. John Scott! And mysel' Mrs. John Scott. And sae ye kenned us, and nae itherwise." "Poor girl! Poor girl!" murmured the housekeeper. "She's far gone! Far gone! Poor girl!" "Puir girl, is it? It will be puir dooke before a' is ended!

"Na, then, wha was thinkin' itherwise?" said Kennedy McClure, soothingly, "but surely a word o' advice is worth having from siccan an auld hand as you!" "If I were you, then," said the Captain, instantly mollified, "I should e'en keep the lower side o' the Abbey Water, away from the Wild.

"Before makin' any sic a promise, I'll just bide a wee and speir a few particulars anent the nature o' the said expedition, laddie. If it's o' a nature to prove benefecial to your health why then I'm no saying but what I may be induced to do what I can to forward your views; but no' itherwise."

Upon one occasion, in reply to some of his self upbraidings, she said, "I think, Robert, you're owre hard on yoursel' now, when ye tak the blame o' puir Susie's death; ye surely canna think itherwise than the dear bairn's time had come; an' had we bided at hame it would ha' been a' the same; for we dinna leeve an' dee by chance, and the bounds o' our lives are set by Him who kens a' things."

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