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"Play that new piece, Leon the one you set to music. You know. The words by that young boy in the war who wrote such grand poetry before he was killed. The one that always makes poor Mannie laugh. Play it for him, Leon." Her plump little unlined face innocent of fault, Mrs. Isadore Kantor ventured her request, her smile tired with tears. "No, no Rosa not now! Ma wouldn't want that!"

Such an eater, it's a wonder he ain't twice too big instead of twice too little for his age." "That's a sign, Abrahm; geniuses, they all eat big. For all we know, he's a genius. I swear to you, Abrahm, all the months before he was born I prayed for it. Each one before they came, I prayed it should be the one. I thought that time the way our Isadore ran after the organ-grinder he would be the one.

Not even that time in Milan, darlink, when they broke down the doors, was it like to-night " "Ought to seen, ma, the row of police outside " "Hush up, Roody! Don't you see your brother is trying to get his breath?" From Mrs. Isadore Kantor: "You should have seen the balconies, mother. Isadore and I went up just to see the jam."

She would have felt safer with one of the other boys, too. Isadore Phelps was none too careful, and once the toboggan ran up one of the side dykes and almost spilled them on the course. "Do look out what you are about, Isadore," Ruth begged, when they reached the bottom of the slide that time. "If we should have a spill "

From his place before the white-and-gold mantel, staring steadfastly at the floor-tiling, Isadore Kantor turned suddenly, a bit whiter and older at the temples. "Don't get your comedy, Leon. "'Wooden kimono' Leon?" "That's the way the fellows at camp joke about coffins, ma. I didn't mean anything but fun. Great Scott can't anyone take a joke?" "O God! O God!"

He was forty-six years old when he joined us, and he married the fourth daughter of Isadore and Hale, and his eldest son married your aunt, Hare-Lip, who was the third daughter of Vesta and the Chauffeur. Johnson was a strong man, with a will of his own. And it was because of this that he seceded from the Santa Rosans and formed the Utah Tribe at San José.

"In which I certainly agree with you," Annis said. "All my married nephews seem to me to be admirable husbands. I hope, Elsie, that Cyril Keith and his Isadore may be able to come to the wedding." "So do I," responded Mrs. Travilla heartily; "and if they fail to come you may be assured it was not for lack of a warm invitation."

Ain't you ashamed even on your little brother's birthday to steal from him?" "Ma, gimme the spoon?" "I'll give you the spoon, Isadore Kantor, where you don't want it. If you don't hurry down, the way that bell is ringing, not one bite do you get out of your little brother's birthday cake tonight!" "I'm goin', ain't I?" "Always on my children's birthdays a meanness sets into this house!

See once, with your papa out to buy your little brother his birthday present, and your mother in a cake, if you can't make a sale for first price." Isadore Kantor, aged eleven and hunched with a younger Kantor over an oilcloth-covered table, hunched himself still deeper in barter for a large crystal marble with a candy stripe down its center. "Izzie, did you hear me?" "Yes'm."

"Aw, let 'em alone, Bob," said Isadore. "Who wants 'em, anyway?" Jennie Stone would have replied, only Belle and Lluella shook her. It took two girls to shake Heavy satisfactorily. And the entire six ignored the three boys, who went off growling among themselves. "Just for a little old mess of candy," snorted Isadore, who was the last to leave the house.