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"Please, mamma!" "Ach, now, Miriam!" "Where's those steamship pamphlets, mamma, I left laying here on the table?" "Right here where you left them, Miriam." Mr. Isadore Binswanger executed a two-stride dash for the couch, plunging into a nest of pillows and piling them high about his head and ears. "Go-od night! The subject of Europe is again on the table for the seventh evening this week.

It was more than a "flurry" and some of the others, as well as Bob Steele, began to feel anxious. For a while they tried to shelter themselves with the canvas, and shouted back and forth through the falling snow that they were having a "scrumptious" time. But some of the girls, as Isadore said, "began to weaken."

Some time later Saillard made the acquaintance of Monsieur and Madame Transon, wholesale dealers in pottery, with an establishment in the rue de Lesdiguieres, who took an interest in Elisabeth and introduced young Isadore Baudoyer to the family with the intention of marrying her. Gigonnet approved of the match, for he had long employed a certain Mitral, uncle of the young man, as clerk.

"'Of course neither of us noticed it, said I, 'for Isadore did not serve us with any of the things he gave to Rounders. And as for the latter discovering that he was eating his food raw, he had no idea that such was the case. He supposed he was eating what we ate, and therefore did not like to say anything about it. "'But I do not understand! cried Anita.

Not even that time in Milan, darlink when they broke down the doors, was it like to-night " "Ought to seen, ma, the row of police outside " "Hush up, Roody! Don't you see your brother is trying to get his breath?" From Mrs. Isadore Kantor: "You ought to seen the balconies, mother. Isadore and I went up just to see the jam."

Carmyle looked about him in stiff disgust, and expressed his unalterable sentiments concerning the Flower Garden, that apple of Isadore Abrahams' eye, in a snort of loathing. "My God! What a place!" He walked quickly away and disappeared. And Ginger, beaming happily, swooped on Sally's table like a homing pigeon. "Good Lord, I say, what ho!" cried Ginger. "Fancy meeting you here.

"There's not a day passes over her head she don't offer to go to live with my sister in Ohio, when I know just how that one month of visiting her that time nearly killed her." "Funny visiting an own daughter could nearly kill anybody." "It's my brother-in-law, Clara. My mother couldn't no more live with Isadore Katz than she could fly.

The next morning's mail brought a letter from Isadore Keith to her cousin, Mrs. Elsie Travilla. It was dated "Viamede Parsonage," and written in a cheerful strain; for Isa was very happy in her married life. She wrote rejoicingly of the prospect of seeing the Ion family at Viamede; the relatives of her husband who were now staying with them also urged an early arrival.

All three had found wives. To Hale, a crude, illiterate farmer, had fallen Isadore, the greatest prize, next to Vesta, of the women who came through the plague. She was one of the world's most noted singers, and the plague had caught her at San Francisco.

No word between them, only an unfinished sweetness, waiting to be linked up. Suddenly there burst in Abrahm Kantor, in a carefully rehearsed gale of bluster. "Quick, Leon! I got the car down-stairs. Just fifteen minutes to make the ferry. Quick! The sooner we get him over there the sooner we get him back! I'm right, mamma? Now, now! No waterworks! Get your brother's suit-case, Isadore. Now, now!