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Updated: August 15, 2024

"Play that new piece, Leon, the one you set to music. You know. The words by that young boy in the war who wrote such grand poetry before he was killed. The one that always makes poor Mannie laugh. Play it for him, Leon." Her plump little unlined face innocent of fault, Mrs. Isadore Kantor ventured her request, her smile tired with tears." "No, no Rosa not now ma wouldn't want that."

"Go down this minute do you hear? Rudolph, stop always letting your big brother get the best of you in marbles. Iz-zie!" "In a minute." "Don't let me have to ask you again, Isadore Kantor!" "Aw, ma, I got some 'rithmetic to do. Let Esther go!" "Always Esther! Your sister stays right in the front room with her spelling." "Aw, ma, I got spelling, too."

Come and help me!" replied Ruth, and in half a minute the three boys, having kicked off their skates, were in the glade. "Merciful goodness!" gasped Bob Steele. "See what a beast that is!" Tom, with a cry of pain, dashed forward and fell beside Ruth to examine the mastiff. "My poor dog!" he cried. "Is he badly hurt? What's happened to him?" "Did she shoot that panther?" demanded Isadore Phelps.

"I couldn't sleep anyway," said Tom, "with Helen and Ruth out in the cold. It's dreadful, Dad. I feel that we boys are partly to blame, too." "How's that?" his father asked him. "Why, the girls were mad with us. I let Isadore go too far with his joking," and he told Mr. Cameron about the spoiled taffy. "If we hadn't done that to them of course they wouldn't have gone into the woods without us "

"Huh!" grunted Isadore Phelps, trying to collect enough of the snow to make a ball to throw at her. "I wonder at you, Bobbins. Why don't you make her behave? Treatin' you like an over-grown kid." "I'd never treat you that way, Master Isadore," said Madge, sweetly. "For you very well know that you're not grown at all!" At that Isadore did gather snow by running out for it.

"Always I used to make it with a short crust for my Isadore. How he loved it!" "Just again, Mrs. Meyerburg, I want you should let me say how how this is the finest present what I ever had in my life. I can tell you from just how soft it is on me, I can tell how it must feel to ride in automobile." A light flashed in brilliance up into Mrs. Meyerburg's face. "Mrs. Fischlowitz!" "Ja, Mrs.

Most of the crowd were troubled over Isadore's absence. Some suggested pulling the emergency cord and stopping the train; others were for telegraphing back from the next station. All were talking at once, indeed, when the rear door opened and in came the conductor, escorting the shivering Isadore. "Does this this tyke belong in here?" demanded the man of brass buttons, with much emphasis.

Pa . I I couldn't excite him any more about it; and and I had to have it, I tell you, Renie." "Yes; then what?" "And I I borrowed it without asking. I I fixed it on my books so so Uncle Isadore wouldn't couldn't . I I fixed it on my books." "Oh-oh, Izzy! Oh oh oh!" "I was trying out a system a new one and it worked, Renie.

Such an eater, it's a wonder he ain't twice too big instead of twice too little for his age." "That's a sign, Abrahm; they all eat big. For all we know he's a genius. I swear to you, Abrahm, all the months before he was born, I prayed for it. Each one before they came, I prayed it should be the one. I thought that time the way our Isadore ran after the organ-grinder he would be the one.

She hung half over the verge of the rock. The fall was sheer for fifty feet at least. It was a narrow cut in the hill, with apparently unscalable sides and open only toward the lake. "I I don't see a thing," panted the girl. "Shout again," urged Helen. "Let's all shout together!" cried Isadore. "Now!" They raised their voices in a long, lingering yell. Again and again they repeated it.

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